Friday, May 31, 2019
Chromium Picolinate and Weight Loss :: Medical Drugs Medicine Papers
Chromium Picolinate and Weight Loss Chromium picolinate is a nutritional concomitant that works to cast up the dexterity of insulin to optimal levels. Gaining increased popularity in the United States, this supplement has been touted a miracle mineral, one advertised to have myriad effects including weight loss, mood enhancement, energy promotion, increase in life span, and even the prevention of acne (Krzanowski, 1996). The most common usage for atomic number 24 picolinate is as a weight loss aid claims that this supplement give notice melt fat, drastically reduce appetite, and increase metabolism are rampant and account for the popularity of chromium picolinate in our diet-obsessed culture. Recently, the supplement has been marketed as a safe alternating(a) to steroids, claiming to increase strength and lean muscle mass (Trent &Thieding-Cancel, 1995). Chromium picolinate is a common ingredient in many herbal weight-loss concoctions readily available for otc sale at the lo cal drugstore or on the internet. However, because chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement rather than a prescription drug, the Food and medicine Administration (FDA) cannot vouch for the accuracy of advertisers often remarkable claims (Krzanowski, 1996). Additionally, scientific research is generally unsupportive of the weight loss claims surrounding chromium picolinate consumers must be aware of these discrepancies when making a decision to take this or any other nutritional supplement. what is chromium picolinate? This popular nutritional supplement is a combination of the element chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium is a naturally-occurring mineral, trace amounts of which are found in everyday foods like meat, poultry, fish, and whole-grain breads. When foods are processed, they are desolate of natural chromium, making American diets generally very low in chromium studies estimate an average daily chromium consumption of 33 mcg. In 1968, it was demonstrated that when animals do not receive adequate levels of chromium, insulin is not optimally effective, and damage to insulin-dependent systems can occur (Schroeder, 1968). This led the FDA to recommend a daily chromium intake of approximately 130 mcg, as infinitesimal amounts of chromium are needed to aid the transport of blood glucose across cell membranes (http// Combining chromium with picolinic acid simply aids in efficient chromium absorption, and it is this combined form that is popular on the diet market today. how does chromium picolinate work? after(prenominal) eating, the human body secretes the hormone insulin. In general, the primary function of insulin is to transport glucose to the bodys cells in order to provide energy that facilitates cell functioning.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
humans doing their best :: essays research papers
We human beings are a very unique creature. We have the ability to communicate through words, actions, and visions. We also achieve to be the best that we can be. Whether at sports, school, or work we all want to be to the leaders of our field. That is why with my guidance and leadership we can rise not only as individual people but as a group of people as well. As you all know, my door is unceasingly open to suggestions and comments. If you feel hat something might work better than the way it is being handled let me know. Also, I shall make sure everyone is treated fairly and justly. In our country everyone entrust be treated equally regardless of their wealth or status, which we all desire. Here, no one testament be overworked or underpaid we will all share the revenue that is created by our fellowman. Lastly, there will be low taxes which will go toward funding our military. Our military will be use to protect citizens so they will not live in fear, i t will not be used to police our people, like fascists. In the end collectivism will benefit us by allowing everyone to feel safe and equal. Since we are a communist community I shall be speaking for all of us. only that does not mean you have no say in what goes on. As your leader, I shall keep you all posted on what is happening locally as well as internationally. Unlike democracy, bills will be passed in a timely fashion because there will not be political parties arguing. Also, everyone will have the resources that they need which will eliminate competition for basic necessities, such as food, clothing, housing and education. Furthermore, unlike democratic politicians this government will be proficient with its people. No one under this government would be ruled with an "iron fist," like in fascism, instead the punishments that people receive will be presumptuousness in accordance with the crimes they commit. First of all lets talk about the rules. Rule number one is no killing. Those who fail to do so will be subject to torture of the victims families choosing. Second, no stealing. Stealing will result in forced payment of treble the value of the item stolen, and in the case that the plunderer is poor, he or she will do community service equivalent to a dollar a day until they have paid off double what they have stolen.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
New Media Artists on the Internet :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media
New Media ArtistsThe enormous success and popularity of the Internet and bare-assed media as a whole have changed society in many ways. Artists have begun to purpose new media to deliver their works. As the artists use new media such as the Internet, the medium in which the work is delivered has become part of the artwork itself. In experient media the book in which a story was printed is not part the literary piece of art. Ed Falcos Self-Portrait as Child with Father and Olia Lialinas My Boyfriend Came Back From The War are examples of McLuhans message that the medium is the message. Both artworks are examples of new media art as defined by Lev Manovich in The row of New Media. The introduction of new media art forms have changed the role of the artist, as the medium of digital art has now become the message itself making the private ideas, perspectives, and narratives of the artist less important to the artwork as a whole.Marshall McLuhan is one of the first to articulate some of the social consequences of the great technological advances of the twentieth Century. In his book The Medium is the Message from 1964 he introduces the idea that with the use of the new media as forms of communication it is the medium itself that is the message and he explains that, This is merely to avow that the personal and social consequences of any mediumresult from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology (Liu 1). The message will therefore change according to the medium. As we will see with new media art, the message would clearly be different if Ed Falcos Self-Portrait as Child with Father was register linearly in a traditionally printed book than when experienced in its actual online non-linear presentation. Olia Lialinas My Boyfriend Came Back From The War is presented similarly as an online non-linear artwork. These artworks are interactive in the sense that the reader must click on relate to read th e story, or using a traditional turn the reader must click the link to virtually turn the page. Since there are multiple links at the same time the different pages are read at different times and in different order from reader to reader. It is therefore the representative that no two readers of the artworks will have the same experience and opinion about them.
Drug Use in the 1960s Essay -- Essays Papers
Drug Use in the 1960s The time the 1960s. The charge United States of America. Who? The early days. Doing what? Using drugs. Why? Many reasons. The 1960s proved to be a very turbulent time in the history of American youth growing up. There were many different activist movements all over the country. The primary drug user was the male college student involved in politics. He used mostly marijuana, some cocaine or lysergic acid diethylamide and of course alcohol. The sixites culminated with perhaps the biggest public scene of drug use ever Woodstock. American youth in the sixties turned to drugs for a variety of reasons including the Vietnam War, the feeling of rebellion, activist movements, and the general pleasure-oriented society. The society in which these rebellious youth were growing up was whiz of the pleasure seekers. Dr. Donald B. Louria says American public is literally enmeshed in an orgy of self-medication.1 Society was pleasure-oriented the only things that mattered we re those that appealed to the senses. When a pleasure-oriented society has too much waste time, it leads to moral destruction. Simmel, a sociologist, stated The deepest problems of modern life derive from the claim of the individual to preserve the autonomy and individuality of his existence in the face of consuming social forces.2 There were many issues raised in the sixties as far as activist movements. Kierna Mayo Dawsey states that the sixties was an era attach by social protest and rebellion.3 These include racial justice, abortion, civil rights, womens liberation, and the United States military role in Vietnam. These groups were trying to express their consignment to such traditional American values as freedom, democracy, and equality.4 Bret Eynon st... ...11. See Fort, 211. 12. See Fort, 220. 13. See Novack. 14. See Novack. 15. See Dawsey. 16. See Fort, 25. 17. See Fort, 157. 18. Harry Nelson, LSD Still on Some Minds, Los Angeles Times, 25 March 1991, B3. 19. See Fort, 3 6. 20. See Fort, 36. 21. See Nelson, B3. 22. Lawrence J. Dessner, Woodstock, A Nation at War, (Toledo, Ohio Toledo University), 769. 23. See Dessner, 771. 24. See Dessner, 776. Mary C. Dufour, xxv Years of Alcohol Epidemiology Trends, Techniques, and Transitions, Alcohol Research and wellness Spring 1995 77-84. David C. Lewis, Putting Training About Alcohol and Other Drugs Into the Mainstream of Medical Education, Alcohol Research and Health 1989 8+. Brent Q. Hafen ed, Drug Abuse Psychology, Sociology, Pharmacology. (Utah Brigham Young University Press, 1973).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Income diversity can be defined as the difference of distribution of assets, wealth, and income between the populations. The term income dissimilitude refers to the inequality among persons within a society. The topic is commonly debated, and the liberties and rights of people are often brought into the debate being made. In America, it has been said that The 400 richest people in the joined States have more wealth than the bottom 150 million put together leading the reader to believe there is a huge inequality problem that is only growing wider. There is no uncertainty that the income gap in America is growing, with the middle class taking home 9% slight than they had in 1999, but I feel that the government does not have the obligation to lessen the gap between rich and poor.There is no doubt that the economic ladder is growing farther and farther apart and the rungs of this ladder are becoming harder and harder to climb, however, the government does not hold the obligation to l essen the gap. The UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that equality and liberty will be protected...
Essay --
Income inequality can be defined as the difference of distri thoion of assets, wealth, and income between the populations. The term income inequality refers to the inequality among persons within a society. The topic is comm lonesome(prenominal) debated, and the liberties and rights of people are often brought into the debate being made. In America, it has been said that The 400 richest people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 150 million put together leading the reader to believe there is a huge inequality problem that is only growing wider. There is no doubt that the income gap in America is growing, with the middle class taking home 9% less than they had in 1999, but I feel that the government does not have the obligation to lessen the gap between rich and poor.There is no doubt that the economic bleed is growing farther and farther apart and the rungs of this ladder are becoming harder and harder to climb, however, the government does not hold the obligation to lessen the gap. The UNs Universal contract of Human Rights states that equality and liberty will be protected...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Level 2 Unit 6.1.3 Essay
There are lots of different ways of gaining further qualifications, skills or work experience and the range of options is growing. You could continue in full-time study, either at school or college continue your learning through work-based training If youre aged 16 or 17 and access towards the end of a school or college course, the September Guarantee means that youll definitely be able to continue learning. Everyone in this age group cod to leave education is guaranteed an offer of a place on an appropriate course and information, advice and guidance to help weigh up their options.Staying in full-time education There is a much wider range of subjects and qualifications that students are able to choose from up until now. As well as A levels, there is a growing range of work-related qualifications. Selected schools and colleges are also offering the Diploma qualification for 14 to 19-year-olds. Depending on what type of study is taken there is an option to stay on at school, or go to a sixth form college, specialist, college or further education college.Students with a disability or learning difficulty, should check how there school or college could provide extra help to ensure that they are assessed fairly. Learning at work If ready to start work then its important to pick a job that offers planned training leading to a nationally recognised qualification. There are lots of ways to purify skills and get qualifications, from Apprenticeships to the Entry to Employment scheme. Apprenticeships As employees, apprentices earn a wage and work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills.Off the job, usually on a day-release basis, apprentices receive training to work towards nationally recognised qualifications. Anyone living in England, over 16 years-old and not in full-time education finish apply. Apprenticeships can take between one and four years to complete depending on the level of Apprenticeship, the apprentices ability and the industry sect or. The minimum salary is ? 2. 60 per moment however, many apprentices earn significantly more.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Compare the ways in which crime is presented in Moll Flanders and Roxana?
The eponymous titles Roxana and gangsters moll Flanders, ar two of a collection of novels written by Daniel Defoe. Coleridge described these novels as one of the few great novels, which we rat call indisputably great1. This greatness that Coleridge speaks of is displayed through the way Defoe presents umbrage in these novels. He explores the deceases of women in the early 18th century and how crime was often a charrs key to survival. The novels are set and centred in different locations in the world of the 1720s.The geographical settings and mobility of the characters expresses their face-to-face ambition to be known, respected and to have the finer things in lifespan. First and foremost, out front looking into the criminal lives gun moll Flanders and Roxana both led, their reasons for engaging into crime have to be con typefacered. gun moll was born into poverty, and ironically she was born into a jail cell in Newgate prison. From this it seems as though gun moll was born a criminal and a criminal career was destined for her. She is a street educated wo homophile that thrived upon crime to escape the jagged teeth of poverty and also to live a lavish life.On the contrary Roxana is a well-educated and well-bred woman, however her life of crime begins when she is abandoned by her husband, who has also left her with a handful of children to care for. With the encouragement from her accomplice Amy, can it be argued that Roxana turns from a virtuous woman to an immoral whore? Well, firstlyly Roxana does sleep with numerous men, without attaching them, which was immoral in an 18th century society and Roxanas sexual behaviour whitethorn have been labeled as whoring, because she slept with men and receives payments in the form of fine clothes and ornaments and expensive jewellery.However Roxana does fall in love with e very(prenominal) man she sleeps with, so she shouldnt be really referred as a whore. For example in the novel, Roxana admits she fell in lov e with her landlord I grew to love him Roxana loves her landlord besides the comfortable lifestyle she lives. Roxana does commit adultery to an extent, her act as been described as a state of innocent adultery2 their liaison is as respectable as any marriage, supported as it is by affection and respect, and even by legal settlement.In an contemporary society Roxanas act wouldnt be describe as whoring or prostitution, and adultery wouldnt be a crime in the eyes of the English law. Also whoring or prostitution is based upon a direct exchange of money for sexual entertainment, no emotions, liking, or engaging or relationships are supposed to be formed, whereas Roxana falls in love. Defoe sympathizes with woman in these times, as they were powerless in depots of marriage. Women were condemned if they had children, without being married and more to the point women were neglected and not protected by the government.Therefore it can be argued that women were more alike(p)ly to engag e in criminal activities as a way of escaping poverty, and to an extent improve their quality of living. However women were less likely to commit crime as there movements were isolated curiously if they were married they were the property of their husbands they were to do domestic duties and had little time to explore the outdoors. However moll and Roxana do not have these constraints.It could be inferred Defoe aims to make his two protagonists heroic figures as they manage to succeed once morest the odds, theyre renegades that reject the norms and values of society and do not conform with stereotypical female roles, such as domestic duties, instead they place themselves from the morals of society and beautify their lives by either using men or stealing valuable objects to fulfil their needs. The novels are written in an autobiographic format, where the protagonist gives a chronological sequence of events in their life.This presentation is highly effective firstly it is continu ous throughout both novels, more importantly a contemporary ratifier can considerably engage with the novels as the lives of Roxana and moll are often presented like a soap opera. In Roxana the protagonist notices her first husband in a dinner party she tries her best to conceal herself. If she were caught she would have faced public humiliation or possibly death- He had clean brushed against me, hardly didnt notice me. The close encounter causes tension and the word brush expresses the danger of the situation.Roxana is an adulteress as she is sexually involved with the Prince of France while relieve being legally married. In gun moll Flanders, Moll steals a ladys gold watch, Moll is almost caught but she is not suspected of taking the watch. These soap opera like episodes create intimacy between the protagonist and the reader and they have a continuing appeal to a contemporary reader, as they cause excitement, tension and suspense, this again may support Coleridges statement that these novels are indisputably great. In both novels, Roxana and Moll Flanders look back on their life of sinfulness and opportunism.It is a life that they moldiness both embrace it is made them who they are. However Defoe does make his presences felt in the novels where he expresses his own views towards issues such as marriage Defoe used the term married Whoredom3 to describe women who married men only for financial gain. From this we are given an insight of the character of Defoe through his protagonists. It can be argued that temptation is without a query the reason for Moll and Roxana indulging in crime. There temptations are centred on economic needs and a craving for social status. For example Roxana, with Amys influence prostitutes herself to her landlord.In the novel Amy says to Roxana in one occasion Dear madam says Amy if I will starve for your sake, I will be a whore. Here the spoken communication is persuasive as Amys use of reverse psychology persuades and makes Roxana musical note guilty. Roxana is clearly tempted because if she gives up her chastity she could restore the comfortable life she once lived. Although Roxana eventually gives in, she lock appears to have a little self-respect this is evident where she says A woman ought rather to die, than to prostitute herself the tone of language is very bold and convincing that it may contradict my initial argument that Roxana is an immoral whore.However Roxana opposes her own statement as she lets temptation get the better of her. On the other hand Moll excuses herself for her crimes The silver tankard calls out to her. A silver tankard would be a large drinking vessel made out of what would have been expensive metal, silver. Metaphorically it expresses pleasure and wealth, the silver tankard is a vivid use of pathetic fallacy, and it is as though the silver tankard is a person that tempted Moll to committing crimes in differentiate to live well.Moll admits she became more confounded with money, which could give an early indication that her love for money would ultimately lead her to her desperation and further temptations to commit crimes. This in fact is what happens to Moll, in one part of the novel she is in the position where she is so desperate, she contemplates killing a child, This is a turning point as Defoe reveals a dark side of Moll , the reader sees Moll in previous encounters as a thief and whore but contemplating murder shocks the modern day reader.Episodes such as this are intriguing and have continuing appeal because not only does Moll reveal a dark side the reader can easily sympathies with the villain rather than the victim, the phrase the dreadful necessity of circumstances is the cause, express this, the word dreadful is emotive as the reader pitys Molls well being, The circumstances Moll speaks of, are referable to many factors such as the absences of any parental figures for example, since her mother is a criminal, the reader may not be surpr ised that Moll takes a criminal path for her career.In sociological terms a poor level of cultural reproduction, could apologize why Moll follows her mothers footsteps. Crime is presented with the association of the d crimes works. Firstly it has to be considered that crime in the 18th century was often seen either as the work or the influence of the devil, considering at this period people tended to be very superstitious. In Moll Flanders, Moll believes the crimes she commits are caused by the devil- She had enough to work on but the devil sends her out unto the streets.This use of imagery is effective because Moll personifies the devil as a person who forcefully dragged her onto the street to steal. Moll also refers to herself as a busy devil. The language used here is quaint as the word busy often refers to hard work or a dedication to work, whereas the word devil contradicts the word busy, as the devil is associated with evil or negative works, which causes an overall effect o f irony. In Roxana, Roxana prostitutes Amy to her landlord after Roxana realizes that what she did was immoral and indeed a sin she says she is the instrument of the devils works.This has a continuing appeal because the reader shocked that Roxana, supposedly a woman of moral excellence forces Amy, her closest friend, and pimps her to her landlord. It questionable whether Roxana has an ounce of integrity in left her. Although she admits she was the instrument of the devils works one still has to be amazed at what people will do just to fulfil their own selfish needs. This is similar in Volpone by Ben Jonson, where the character of Corvino forgets all virtue and decided to pimp his own wife.However can it be argued that Moll and Roxana use notion of the devil as a way to elevate the blame that they feel is already upon them. Also the actual meaning of the devil has to put into consideration. In the period in which Defoe lived, the devil was often described as a dire creature with ho rns and jagged teeth. However in the novels Roxana and Moll Flanders, could the devil represent the poverty that eats away in their society, which ultimately leads them to committing crime? Social pressures and personal circumstances is another way crime is presented.Defoe presents his whores as ordinary people who are normal products of their environment, victims of circumstances which anyone might have experienced. For Roxana the absences of her husband, who left her with the responsibility of compassionate for five children, leaves Roxana in a difficult situation, so whoring herself at first to her landlord seemed to be the only option for survival as she was on the verge of compulsory poverty. In the early stages of the novel Amy presents a strong argument to Roxana.Roxana begins by saying to Amy What consent to lye with him for bread? Amy replies It would not be lawful for anything else but for bread, Madam, why nobody can starve. The word lawful is interesting it may sugges t that Roxana somehow has the right to sell her own body in order to survive, or maybe Amy is being ironic as prostitition was against the law. Again Amys persuasive use of language leaves Roxana, completely convinced If he should give me an estate to live on, he should lye with me. Roxana thinks most the situation logically and rationally and decides to give up her chastity. It is upsetting that for woman in these times their, bodies were almost the only thing they could offer to a man in return for a stable standard of living, so one has to sympathies with Roxana due to the difficult situation she is in. The reader shouldnt look at her negatively especially when individuals such as Amy point out to her why nobody can starve. However the reader may view Roxana negatively in certain split of the novel.For example after the brutal death of her lover, her landlord, Roxana attempts to sell the jewels that he had left with her, one has to question her integrity, but it shows the len gths that people would go to maintain the material goods they possess. Although Roxana is an wakeless woman, and arguably she was more than capable to improve her lifestyle by using legal means, Defoe expresses that women were at a disadvantage in terms of earning a right on living Moll Flanders quotes The market is against our sex.Here Defoe expresses his feelings through Moll Flanders, as he was interested in womens oppression, as he believed that women were oppressed, especially in marriage. Roxana refuses to marry the Dutch Merchant on various occasions, as she believed women were at a disadvantage as marriage was more of a patriarchal institution. Like Roxana, Moll Flanders is a victim of society and circumstantial issue. Moll was born into poverty.From an early age, Moll is socially aware of her low status but she refers to herself as a Gentlewoman, which expresses her ambitions to have the fine things in life and to be accepted by society. Here it could be argued that Moll wants the desired social status that Roxana also achieves. Moll Flanders, like Rastigmac and Julien Soreal, is a characteristic product of modern individualism in assuming that she owes it to herself to achieve the highest economic and social rewards and in using every obtainable method to carry out her resolve.Even Moll admits that the dreadful necessity of circumstances is cause, referring to the poverty she lives in is the cause of her thieving Moll says in her defending team give me poverty lest I steal. In one occasion Moll begins sewing lace for a particular wealthy woman, however Moll is still relatively poor. The rich woman has two brothers that Moll acquaints herself with she prostitutes herself to two of them. They both spoil her excessively with fine clothes and ornaments, she says in one occasion He had furnished me very sufficiently with money for extraordinary express of my lying in I had everything.One may look down upon Moll as a whore, however ones has to conside r she is not educated like Roxana and her ambition to be a gentlewoman is still at large, so it is either she in any casek this opportunity or not, but Moll admits she had enough to live on however she still has the urge to commit crimes. To Molls horror she commits another crime, she later finds out that the two brothers she sleeps with are too her own brothers. This has a continuing appeal to a modern day reader because it I hilarious that Moll prostitutes herself to two brothers who actually are her brothers it is a bizarre experience for Moll.It is engaging for a modern day reader, as incest tends to occur when both relations are aware they are related, whereas Moll isnt aware. Moll indulges in crime not just for survival but to have the fine clothes and ornaments. Moll says I needed to dress well in order to mingle. Defoe makes it evident in both novels that society was beginning to be more capitalist, so as times changed Roxana and Moll, too had to modernize in order to be r espected and accepted by society.Molls fine clothes and ornaments and Roxanas expensive Turkish dress are symbolise of the pressure in society to live lavishly. However both Roxana and Moll reasons for indulging in crime are not strong sociological arguments, such as we might make at once they dont ask themselves why a certain percentage of the population is destitute, they just want to make sure they are not one of them. However their ratiocination not to be destitute shows their survival instincts.Also Defoe shows the emergence of an individualistic society where people began to develop their own norms and values and tended not to look at traditional institutions such as the church for guidance and rather theyd take matters into their own hands. The relationship between crime and identity has to be explored. For example Moll is a common slang term in these times for a woman of low repute, often the girlfriend of a professional thief, Flanders was a term to describe women in prost itution.Roaxna Turkish dress reveals her criminal identity as a courtesan. It interesting as their names are clear indications of their true identities and purposes but none of the characters realize this. In Roxana where Roxana leaves her lavish life momentarily, she takes up Quaker dressing. This way of dressing is a drastic change from her lavish gorgeous dresses, which accent the change from her high life and erotic encounters to a simple way of living.Roxana and Moll Flanders hide away behind their names and costumes to protect their identity, their hidden identities explain that they are afraid and do not want to face up to who they and theyre afraid of how people will react to them like the character Robinson Crusoe. Defoe creates characters similar to how he felt about himself as he even changed his name from Foe to Defoe, which suggests that Defoe feels the struggle and can sympathise with what his protagonists go through.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Are the Marketing Schemes of Innocent Effective? Essay
1. Introduction naive is a non-alcohol beverage company, which makes smoothies, succuss, juices for kids and veg pot. acquitted started in 1999 from selling smoothies in music festival. Now righteous, one of the auxiliary brands of Coca-Cola, has become UK number 1 smoothies brand. Innocent sales in 2012 ontogenesisd signifi evoketly by much than 35% while Coca-Cola, majority stake bread and butterer in Innocent, accession merely 0.8% in the stratum. Another beverage market leader, Pepsi sales rose gradually by 7.4%. It seems possible t eyelid these results be due to the extraordinary market focus of Innocent fo under. Innocent has been a anomalous-indistinguishability healthy and genial responsible brand. The increase in unobjectionable sale could be attributed to its unique market strategy.This essay would check into marketing schemes of Innocent that could contribute to this success. This will include background of the brand, marketing schemes based by demography, company social responsibility and recommendation from this study ambitInnocent was started in 1999 after selling their smoothies in a music festival. (Innocent,1999) It began with smoothies and expanded into food, juice and juicy water for kids. The name Innocent comes from the principal(prenominal) characteristics of drink, which atomic number 18 pure, fresh and unadulterated. (Cheesman,2007) In 2009, Coca Cola Company bought stake from Innocent with 18% stake, Coca-Cola has then gradually increased its share, into 58% in 2010, and a more than 90% shareholding in 2013. (Price,2013) And since the deal with Coca- Cola, Innocent has flourished weve doubled in size, improved the social and environmental standards of how fruit is grown, gotour natural, healthy food and drink to more plurality across Europe and donated millions of pounds to kindness (Innocent, 2013) , (mintel,2013) Innocent is the number-one smoothie brand in the UK and in many of the European territories where the product is sold. (Williams,2014) Now Innocent is available in UK and other 14 countries. Consumers could find innocent products in Supermarkets and coffee shops. With the good responsible to society, Innocent has donated 10% of profits ein truthyear to charity since 2004.Main competitor of Innocent is Tropicana, which own by PepsiCo. Tropicana and Innocent pee-pee been ranked as top brand of juice and smoothie over this century.Figure 2 tether makers shares in the UKs off-trade fruit juice, juice drink and smoothies market, by value, 2011/12 and 2012/13 (mintel,2013)Figure 2 Pie chart of numbers of users of juice and smoothies (Kantar Media,2013)3. analytic thinkingSWOT analysis of Innocent BrandSTRENGTH SLeading smoothies brand in UK100% from pure fruit healthy brand identityWide distribution channel estimable brand environmental, socialVarious product rangesWEAKNESS WHigh price compare to other brandsCoca-Cola hold share negative effect to healthy brand image OPPORTUNITY OLo wer the price to expand consumer market basePromote innocent as quick and easy smoothies kinda of do it yourself smoothies. Expand market to emerging marketTHREAT TPrice sensitive market instead of agiotage product imageSubstituted products e.g. green teaHigh competitionTable SWOT analysis of Innocent BrandTable 1 shows the main characteristics of the innocent company, based on SWOT analysis. Segmentation and Target market of InnocentConsumer market segmentInnocent main target market result for target marketConcern for AudienceInnocent Marketing ApproachChildrenParentsKids beveragesChilds health and well-beingLabeling, TV advertisement, prodigious hauntshipChildrenFun, ToysOutstanding packaging (plus magnet) ,gameTeenagersXJuice, SmoothieSports, MusicOlympic sponsorshipYoung professionalsProfessionalHealth (Nutrition)LabelingOnline MarketingOlympic sponsorshipMiddle agesHealth (Nutrition), EthicalCorporate social responsibility (CSR) ,Online MarketingOlympic sponsorshipSeniorsSe niorsLabeling ,TV advertisement,Corporate social responsibility (CSR)Table Analysis of marketing approach by marketing segmentFrom the Table 2, it illustrates the variety of product line and the target customer ranges. Each specific marketing approach could get into most of the target segments. The Innocent product lines consist of smoothies, juice, kids beverages and food. From the table, main market target could be divided into 4 assemblages, which are parents, nipperren, professionals and seniors. Marketing approaches are used other than regarding to the concern of each target segments.Healthy product, or a healthy brand identity is a concerned issue for most of Innocents target market. Not and do adults bribe themselves, Innocent, healthy brand identity products, but adults who have child will also buy their child Innocent because of its healthy brand identity. Promoting the product, which is good for health, can bring a trust to parents. (Mae, 2011Smith,2011) Mothers has al so been the innocent target on television advertisement in order to significantly boost on the sales growth of children range . (OReilly,2011) With the inexpugnable brand identity, Innocent has got the hearts and wallets of the British public. (William,2013)Another outstanding marketing approach of innocent is corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR has become an essential part of a social-institutional framework. More and more slew has experience growing wager in CSR (Berger, Steurer, Konrad, Martinuzzi,2007)Figure 3 Fruit juice ,juice drink and smoothies usages 2013 (mintel,2013) From figure 3-1 brand usage(mintel,2013) , the number of simple the best group is the majority of fruit juice, juice drink, and smoothies customer. This group of people, with greater financial freedom than other groups, worries about their look and status. CSR create the positive brand image to consumer, which leads to the positive personal identity of this group customer. (Naqvi,Ishtiaq,Kanwal,Ali,I nderyas,2013) The CSR is then adding more prestige to the product, which this target group loves to buy. Innocent became an official sponsor of London 2012 Olympic game with Coca-Cola, its stakeholder. Smoothies and juices were served to athletes and to visitors in London 2012 Olympic game. (Baker,2011) As the result of the Olympic game, one of the most world popular event, Innocent took advantages to promote their unique brand to great number of people. Within a year of being an Olympic sponsorship, Innocent sales had boosted by more than 35%.Innocent also provides fun to kids. Children could be attracted naturally with fun games and activities. Not altogether does Innocent provide entertainment activities to kids but it also provides fun learning resources to perfectly capture parents hearts. For instance, Innocent offered one of the various 6 easy to grow seeds within every box of kids smoothies and fruit tubes. (thedrum,2012)Compare strategies with competitorsCooperate Social R esponsibility (CSR)Cooperate Social Responsiblility (CSR) talent not be the most important of every business, although 97% of people would be more positive with the company. From MarketingWeek research(Tesseras,2013), more than 50% of people will buy product or service from a business that are contributing more to the communities.Big Knit the iron out since 2003 thatInnocent work with the Age UK, which is a charity for the aged, to keep elderly people across UK warm & healthy during winter. There has been a fundraising event in every year, whichInnocent has provided the pattern for consumers to cockle the picayune hats. Then Innocent puts the hats on the smoothie bottles and sells in supermarket normal shelf. Every bottle sold, 25p goes to age UK.On the other hand, Pepsi and Coca-Cola focus on eco-conscious consumers. Both Pepsi and Coca-Cola have invested significant resources in order to develop and launch environmentally friendly bottles. These two companies try to prove thei r method to tackle waste and improve renewability. (packaging gateway,2011)Although Innocent, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are all beverage brand, they use different Corporate Social Responsibility dimensions as analyzed in the below parameter tableInnocentPepsi + Coca-Cola crosswayJuice/smoothies/veg potCola drinksCSR dimension (Dahlsrud,2008)Social dimensionEnvironmental dimensionWho involve in this activities- Everyone who want to knit- Consumers who buy smoothies with tiny hat- Companys employeeHow does the CSR promote- Social media- Companys website- Companys websiteWho gain benefits from this CSR- Age UK- Innocent - Positive to company + Sale increase from product difference - Environmental- Pepsi /Coca-cola - Positive to company + Sale increase from environmentalawareness person Hows the feedback- Become viral- Brand mention-This fierce rivalry create potential to effect genuine environmental improvements worldwide. Table CSR parameter tableSince Innocent CSR dimension are in social dimension, people could deeply understand and follow more than in environmental dimension which might lead to more easily of the brand recognition in positive way. Big knit donation idea is concrete for customer to know the exactly amount of money they contribute for one product purchase. This can give rise to customer feeling of involvement. Both brands messages of CSR are added on the products. One is labeled on the bottle that it states greener product, while another one is vesture distinguished hat, which built audience a social responsible awareness. The Innocent campaign has become viral starting from official website to personal Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The photos of knit hat were spread without active pushes from Innocent Company. It is barely seen such a campaign that can connect to its consumers and have consumers engagement as homogeneous as this before.Feedback and resultFigure 3 Leading soft drink brands ranked by buzz puddle in UK 2013 (statista,2013)Regardin g to Big knit, Innocent has a very strong brand reputation. It ranked as the highest with a score of 5.5, followed by Robinsons and Tropicana. The scores based on a survey of respondents that asks If youve heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?(Statista, 2013). The score show between January and December 2013.Table Leading brand juice market value (Mintel,2012)From many strategies of Innocent show the outstanding differential to other brands, as seen in table 3, and also the unique ability to make consumertrust. With consumer trust and innovative marketing, Innocent improves their market share of juice market every year. Innocent stands out the most especially for women under the age of 35 .The simple idea is always differentiated with the use of dynamic marketing. However, Tropicana get the most trust from consumer. It is the number one fruit juice brand in usage, and this helped to boost trust within it. (Mintel, 2013)Figure 3 graph shown differentiation vs trust (Mintel,2013)(Statista, 2013)RecommendationWith a strong CSR reputation of Innocent brand, other company can study and take innocent as an example to get the noticeable consumer involvement in CSR campaign. With the similar strategy, not only company will get positive image as an advantages, it will be also consumer market expansion.To clarify more, the similar social CSR dimension campaign will be used as an example. Thai Bev Company, which produces Chang beer in Thailand, distributes blankets to disadvantaged people during the winter. The beer company spread its awareness of CSR efforts via mass media that make lots of people know about the CSR campaign. However, the consumers do not felt into the social contribution while purchasing the product as similar as the consumers of the innocent do in the BIG KNIT campaign 4. ConclusionAfter analyzing all the relevant information, it can be concluded that the market scheme of innocent is very effective in many aspects. Firstly, according to brand identities, innocent has its own unique style, which differentiate to other brands and make its product stand in the premium segment. Secondly, with creative style of CSR strategy, this not only makes the name of the brand spread rapidly, but also increases sales and positive image of the brand in the same time. Lastly, innocent CSR strategy may be one of the groundbreaking campaigns, which will be noticeably beneficial case study that other company should,. (2014). Login to Mintel Reports Mintel base Ltd. online. accessible from http// Accessed August 25, 2014.,. (2014). Login to Mintel Reports Mintel Group Ltd. online. Available from http// Accessed August 23, 2014.,. (2014). Login to Mintel Reports Mintel Group Ltd. online. Av ailable from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. nameless (2014). online. Available from )http// Accessed August 24, 2014. innocent little flavoursome drinks,. (2014). innocent little tasty drinks. online. Available from http// Accessed August 24, 2014. innocent little tasty drinks,. (2014). innocent little tasty drinks. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. innocent little tasty drinks,. (2014). innocent little tasty drinks. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. Johnson, S. (2014). grammatical case study-Innocent Drinks Ltd. cimaglobal. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014.,. (2013). CS R Making business personal Trends Marketing Week. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014.,. (2011). Innocent joins Coke as Olympic sponsor News Marketing Week. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014.,. (2011). Innocent to roll out more products in 2011 as 2.7m ad campaign launched News Marketing Week. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. Naqvi,S. et al. (2014). Impact of Corporate Social responsibility on Brand image in Different FMCGs of Pakistan. journal-archieves32. online. Available from http// Accessed August 26, 2014.,. (2014). Bottle of the brands Coke and Pepsi g o green Packaging Gateway. online. Available from http// Accessed August 22, 2014.,. (2014). Innocent Drinks Masterclass Breakthrough. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. Statista,. (2014). Top soft drink brands ranked by Buzz score UK 2013 Statistic. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. Statista,. (2014). UK leading brands of ready-to-drink fruit & vegetable juice 2013 TGI survey. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014. Steurer, R. et al. (2014). Analysis of national policies on CSR. online. A vailable from http// Accessed August 26, 2014. Writer, S. (2014). Innocent marketing campaign aims to get kids into gardening with free seed packs.The Drum. online. Available from http// Accessed August 25, 2014.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay
Professor Identify the pros and cons of the confederacy as a form of ownership. Discuss funding options for bitty transmission linees. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting only whent end help managers with reaping costing, incremental analysis and bud soak uping. Discuss the basic components of the marketing process using a product or service of your choice as an example. Discuss the roles of social responsibility and technology in the marketing function.A provideship as a form of ownership is formed quite simply. When two or more people concentrate together and come to an agreement on what typewrite of art sector to take part in, then tot wholey parties sh are investment, lettuce, and of course loss. Lets discuss the pros and cons ofa partnership. Pros, one of the m whatever things both investors would ilk to tally pop out weight the cons in anything they are engaged in mentally, physically, and of course financially. First of all, one pro would be how ea sy it is to create a partnership.You simply get with at least one other person come to an agreement over all the employment details, and BAM you pack a partnership. Some people are comfortable in erbal agreements but I personally would suggest you get all your partnership details on a written legal roll Just in case. Funding is another advantage toa partnership. When two or more people come together to form a concern partnership money is invested from all parties involved in turn the business has a stronger financial backing to support it.Not only will the business realise a strong financial backing all partners invested may train access to outside money to support the business even further a eagle-eyed. unmatchable of the best advantages in being in a business partnership is circumstancesd responsibility. Shared responsibility is crucial in a successful business and of course partnership. When the business starts to get a bit heavy you fuel hand it to your partner or partn ers to carry the work load for a while. You can also look to your partners for moral support when you may think things arent going as stated in your business plan.So far we lead heard the pros ofa business partnership but exchangeable every bandage that fixes that painful spot you eventually have to pull it off. Cons, the opposite of Pro, the many things that all business investors need to k right away before investing but never want to hear. You may be thinking since it was a breeze to create this business partnership the rest will come as a breeze. You could your mind everyone who is a partner is liable for all debts. You and your partners are all Jointly or individually liable for all debts accumulated by the business.For example, lets say your partner or partners are taking the profits the business is do and gambling with it. Your partners blow away all the profits on poker games and skip town what then, thats right you are still liable for any debt accumulated by the busines s. Another obvious con is your business partners will want to share the rofits made by the business. You cant assume when the business makes profit everyone will agree on saving it. Your partner or partners may want to buy cars, houses, or maybe boats. You dont have total control of the business.Business decisions are made Jointly not on your own. You may run into disagreements that in turn create the other partner to leave the business, or even lead to buying out the other partner. Pros and cons are a great way to see if youre the, partner type, if so make sure you pick the right partner or partners for your business. There are many ther factors in owning and running a business. For example, in tack together to get your business off the ground you have to find the money to do so. Debt funding is one way you can start up your business.Debt financing is simply going to a bank that knows you have good credit, a good standing history with them, and apply for a small business loan. In the current economy most banks can be very hesitant to support you the loan so another way is equity. Selling a share of your business meaning you arent solely in charge or will now be sharing the profits may be scary, but it can help you start up your business. After starting up your business you now have to manage the business or appoint psyche for the Job. Managing the accounting is a great way to stay on top of product cost, and reckoning.Managerial accounting is detailed selective information used for inside members of a company. Managerial accounting includes things like cost of the product, cost of shipping, cost of employee benefits, cost of turnover, basically every number available to you and your partners. You can determine if you have the budget to raise wages for your employees to boost employee morale. Each business owner can use the data to do their Job better. You can go to your losses data and determine if your employees are stealing from you. Then determine how much more security you will need in regularize to prevent product loss.If you or your manager for your business needs to determine if their product was set at the right price they could view the sales data to see if the supply met the demand. If you see that one of your items hasnt been selling very well you can set it at a lower price or you can Just order less of such product. If you see you sold a lot of a particular product you can raise the price as you see fit. You now know if you are the partner ype, you know a couple ways to possibly fund your business, and you know how to manage your data and budget. How are you going to get costumers through your door or buying your product?How will you market yourself? Lets use my dream business as an example. I would like to open up a caf lounge that serves fair trade coffee berry, craft beer, and fine wines. In order for me to make any kind of better profit for my business I have to market my business. You have to give the people wh at they want in my case I would produce amazing cups of coffee. My business would offer a coffee with better taste, and appeal. My coffee would be made with love and not thrown at you in the pickup line simultaneously saying, following. My caf lounge would major downtown street.Location is important for my caf lounge so doing a little research of the area by visiting throughout all times of the day to see the amount of traffic the area receives is crucial. Then maybe you can ask around the nearby stores to see if customers purchase a lot of coffee. You can even go to the nearest coffee shop and see what coffee and vibe they offer and simply ask the locals what kind of coffee they like or would like to drink in what kind of atmosphere. After finding your target market, a great location, building your business, affordable product pricing, and screen background your hours of operation it is time to promote your business.You can put ads in the local news write up, ads in local magazin es, and maybe even do a commercial diffuse in the tri county area. You will have to set your product apart from all the other competitors. For me coffee is all about personality, process, and taste. In order to retain customers your employees have to be personable, professional, and building customer relationships. Then theres process, customers will see you make heir drink every step of the way fashioning it an enjoyable experience.Lastly is taste, my employees being highly trained baristas will make you a drink to your satisfaction in a timely fashion all the while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for my caf lounge. Having the best tasting coffee and vibe may do Justice but for long term business it may not be enough this is when you bring in the events. Doing special events with your business such as charities, open mic nights, acoustic Jam sessions, and book clubs is a great way to attract more customers and maintain current ones. Internet is your best friend. Creating a web site for your business is an amazing marketing play.It allows your customers to have 2417 access to information, and product choices. You can post updates on new product arrivals, special events, and specific information for each product you offer. The best part about having a website is they can look you up anywhere in the world that offers internet. Another great marketing strategy is purchasing ad space on other websites like a grocery franchise or sports sites. Green marketing is another great way to market your business. Customers love knowing your business is eco friendly by recycling, or using recycled aterial.By simply pushing customers to buy coffee to drink in house rather than take away conserves paper cups in turn less garbage. If customers choose to take to go anyways inform the customers all your paper products are recycled and recyclable. Offering organic treats to eat along with their coffee can promote a green business as well. In the end knowing everything there is to build, manage, and market your business your goal is to have long term profitability. You want to exceed customer satisfaction, you want to blow away the competition, and be prepared for even harder competition in the future.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
General Mills Warm Delights Essay
1. Warm Delights is in the single-serve cake treat category.2. (a) The target market is on the go women who want a junior-grade dessert treat. (b) A point of difference would be that it is convenient due to that it comes in its own bowl. (c) A potential opportunity would be that Warm Delights is positioned as a snack instead of as a dessert. A hindrance could be that while marketing it as a snack versus a dessert, it whitethorn have more than competition. Also by marketing it to women, you may be losing other potential customers like children and teenagers.3. (a) Vivian Callaway did some market research on name the product. She was trying to decide if naming it Warm Delights or Dessert Bowls would be more appealing to customers. (b) What does she want? was one critical question she sought-after(a) answers for. (c) Targeting on the go women had marketing advantages like a $2.00 price tag, the products message of warm, convenient, delightful, and that on-the-go womens meal plans inc lude the occasional delicious treat.4. (a) Callaways initial plan was to pay for displays that would catch the consumers attention because there is usually not a lot of consumer traffic in the dessert aisle. (b) The displays made esthesis to Callaway because it was vital to get new people down the dessert aisle that wouldnt normally visit that aisle.5. I would try to make the product more appealing to the younger consumer. Maybe changing the packaging to a more kid-friendly view. I would also create and add more flavors. And one more social occasion would be to market to college students and their college stores and cafeterias.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Academic Writing on Riders to the Sea Essay
Edmund John Millington Synge (1871-1909), an Irish revivewright, wrote Riders to the Sea, one of his first both one-act plays (the another(prenominal) one is The Shadow of the Glen). Riders to the Sea (1904) is Synges dramatic response to the experience of his frequent sojourns in the Aran Islands. Riders to the Sea dramatizes the archetypal struggle of valet against the hateful natural forces and rends mans inevitable defeat in the conflict against predestination which brings tabu a tragic effect at the end of the play.This one-act play is a tragedy that portrays a compressed and synthesized picture of hopeless struggle of an Aran woman and her helplessness against the assign. Ernest A. Boyd (American critic and author) in The Contemporary Drama of Ireland states that Riders to the Sea, sums up the essence of the constant struggle of the Aran islanders against their relentless enemy, the sea. The protagonist in J. M. Synges one-act play Riders to the Sea, Maurya, is an old A ran fisher-woman, whose name echoes the Greek word moria, meaning fate.See much Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essayRiders to the Sea does not fit the mold of classic Greek tragedy, as Aristotle defined it, for its central lawsuit is a peasant, not a person of high estate and she does not bring about her own downfall. Maurya is thus distinctly antithetic from the classical protagonists such as Oedipus, Agamemnon or Antigone, all of whom atomic number 18 highborn. While classical and Renaissance tragic protagonists undergo suffering owing to their hubris or tragic flaw, Maurya appears to be a passive and helpless victim in the hands of the destructive sea.In Mauryas case, no profound question seems to be embossed about the complicated relationship between human will and predestination. Yet, she resembles the great traditional protagonists in her heroic power of endurance and the spiritual transcendence oer her suffering. In J. M. Synges play, Riders to the Sea, the audience is confronted with a story of an Aran mother of eight children living on an island off the western coast of Ireland.When the play opens, we find out that she has lost her husband and five of her six sons to the sea, which is necessary for livelihood as means of transport to the mainland and also for participation in the fishing industry. Her two daughters, Cathleen and Nora, are also present. The lone son, Bartley, needs to take the horses to fair across the bay, and Maurya begs him not to leave. But Bartley insists that he will cross the mainland in spite of winds and high seas. sickish and aggravated at Bartley for not listening to her pleas, Maurya allows him to go, however, without her blessing.Cathleen and Nora persuade their mother to chase Bartley with the food they forgot to give him and to give him her blessing regardless of her fears. Maurya returns horrified with a imaginativeness she has seen of Michael riding on the horse behind Bartley. When the gi rls show her Michaels clothes her only response is that the good white boards she had bought for his coffin would serve for Bartley instead. Even as she speaks, the neighboring women troop in, their voices raised in the keen, that monotonous Irish chant of grief.Men follow bringing the body of Bartley. The play crawls to the end through Mauryas fatalistic submission. Theyre all gone now and there isnt anything more the sea can do to me. She can sleep now with no worry but that of starvation. In the everlasting battle between the life-giver and the destroyer, between the mother and the destructive sea, Maurya, at last, ironically, is triumphant. Having lost all her sons, she has been liberated from the everlasting hertz of suffering and grief.At this point, she seems to withdraw her sympathy from the community of mankind when her disillusionment compels her to state I wont care what way the sea is when the other women will be keening. The final phase of Mauryas suffering reveals a transition from misery to a profound tragic transcendence. Like the Sophoclean protagonists, she achieves knowledge and discernment out of misery and heroically accepts her tragic mess. Tragic wisdom illuminates her mind into the understanding that death is an essential episode in the universal cycle of life. preferably of accusing God, she reconciles to her fate bravely and gracefully and accepts her misery as the sublime will of God. Reconstructing a broken life into a new existence of corporate trust and self-sacrifice, she achieves tragic dignity and elevation in the eyes of the audience.She invokes Gods blessings upon all . may He have mercy on my soul, Nora, and the soul of everyone is left wing living in the world. Maurya, as portrayed by J. M. Synge in Riders to the Sea, is truly an unforgettable character who wins our admiration by her unusual power of endurance, by her capacity to withstand her misfortunes, and by her dignified behaviour at a time when she has suffe red the more or less painful bereavement of her life. Finally, she gives expression to her stoical acceptance of her and fate in the following memorable words No man at all can be living forever, and we must be satisfied. Declan Kiberd, an Irish writer and scholar in his Synge and the Irish Language (Macmillan London 1979)notes that Synges dramatic language tries to allow the Aran islanders to speak directly for themselves, demonstrating that Mauryas famous words, No man at all. must be satisfied (III, 27), are translated almost directly from a letter to Synge from an Inishmaan friend. Maurya is drawn to be regarded as tragic character in the proper sense of the word. After all we are reading a one-act play in which an elaborated portrayal was not possible.Besides, there is no real conflict either in Mauryas mind or between Maurya and circumstances. She has just to remain passive because there is no other resource for her. Tess in Thomas Hardys famous novel Tess of the Durberville s is a tragic character because she puts up a brave fight against unfortunate circumstances, but nobody can fight against the sea which is the cause of the tragedy in Synges play. The end comes inevitably and this again is traditional. Dunbars Lament for the clerics may stand to embrace them all. So to quote Since for the Death remeid is none,Best is that we for Death dispone, After our death that live may we Timor Mortis conturbat me. The drama by virtue of being a one-act play unavoidably limits Synges scope. But, in that limited scope Synge has achieved remarkable effect of tragic impact. The result is one of the most deeply moving tragedies ever written. W. B. Yeats on Synges conception of style states The first use of Irish dialect, rich, abundant, and correct, for the purpose of creative art was in J. M. Synges Riders to the Sea (Plays in Prose and Verse Written for an Irish Theatre, London Macmillan 1922).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Foreign Universities
Ive often wondered how best to define command. Id like to define education as the procurance of those superhuman skills which would enable a person to choose between what is right and what is not. Our Indian system of education since time immemorial has been sailing magnificently on the winds of hope, moral coherence and ethical values with the principal objective of making all of us good human beings as opposed to mere association banks. As of today, Indian Education is an immaculate melange of our conventional ideals of education, blended with infrastructural and technological boom, catering to the demands of modernization. everyplace the decades, weve produced some very fine men and women. From Swami Vivekananda to Sir C V Raman, from Amartya Sen to Rajendra Pachauri, theyve all been fine lode stars of our educational system. Ive never really been a fan of the Western educational systems. Students there ar bestowed with steering too much unconditional liberty. Theyre treated like empyreal emperors at a time when they should be ordered to shut their PlayStations and take a good look at their school books.Theres too much rationalism in there and very comminuted humanism, which in a sense explains the reason for the rapid moral degradation among a significant number of students in the West. Look at the list of school related sinful attacks worldwide and youd observe the US perched handsomely at the top. We read almost every week about teen shootouts, teen pregnancies and yet do not wish to speak about them in the open. Its taboo. We, Indian students here, atleast under the fear of failure, the fear of humiliation, the fear of corporal punishment are compelled on to the right track as far as our pursuit of educational rightness is concerned.But the very fact that there exists no self-colored force which can allow similar influences on the students of the West is indeed quite a concern. Another factor working significantly against Western education is its exorbitant cost of education which almost puts it virtually out of reach for many middle class students world over. I know theres been criticism of our Indian Educational system too. I know thereve been great deal distrustful of our harsh and stern methodology of education.But if the drilling bring is a necessity for intellectual growth, a boon for the nations ambitions of having an educated electoral roll, the antidote for illiteracy and ignorance, the quintessential need for individual prosperity, thus why not tread that path intrepidly? After all, it is only under pressure that coal turns to diamond. The dominant role of Indian Americans in the US economy is pretty noticeable as well. As of 2008, 4000 PIO professors and 84000 students made their way into US universities and Indian Silicon Valley entrepreneurs generate whopping revenue of $250 unmatched thousand thousand every year.Is it not ironical then that the well oil products of our educational system are largely responsible for the economic boom of a spherical superpower? Whos the Big Daddy now? Is this not tangible testimony of our profound educational prowess? Above all the number crunching and multiform statistics, above all the heated cacophony of debates and discussions, just one phrase rings euphoria and triumph in my mind. Vande Mataram. Nothing else. Thank you. I have just received a list of the top Universities of the world (1) University of Cambridge (2) University of Oxford (3) Harvard University (4) University of California 5) The Stanford University (6) University of Tokyo and it is certainly not a matter of great pride that the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai is ranked 30th and except the IITs, not a single university has made to the top 50. it is p. m and the speed is so fast that you might perk another foreign university getting into this list by the time I finish my speech. Todays topic states Should there be an entry of Foreign Educational intromission or Unive rsity in India and I stand here firmly opposing the motion. India right now has 487 Universities and 2200 colleges whereas the requirement is 1000 Universities and 35000 Colleges more.So foreign Universities is the only woof left. Learning in a Foreign University has a definite advantage in terms of ambience, cultural environment and most of all provides an international mix. For India to release an economic superpower, we first need to become an educational superpower. The number of universities and institutions of higher learning are wholly inadequate to cater to the aspirations of a billion people unless of course our purpose is to keep large sections of our population out of the education system.Having known different parts of the world and different types of institutions, I can allege categorically that as far as the intellect is concerned, we are second to none. How we can overlook the sorry state of our universities and institutions of higher learning. Results are not ann ounced in time. Evaluation is neither objective nor done with any sensitivity. Regulation in education still dates back to the license-permit regime that could do precious little for the country for over five decades.. Our Universities, have failed to impart education in all subject areas.Many new sciences and technologies are never introduced to our students immediately later on their inventions. We tend not to care too much for quality, and are pretty complacent about what is acceptable standards. What we lack is a work ethic that nurtures excellence in all its manifestations. The Chalta Hai attitude is predominant and the only way to break it is to expose this mindset to global standards. Recently cabinet has approved Foreign Educational Institution Bill 2010. I salute Minister of HRD, Mr. Kapil Sibbal for this revolutionary move towards getting a class education in India.Afterall the bill upon becoming a law is sure to make it more convenient for domestic students to get world class education at their door steps. With this, I rest my eccentric but not my thoughts. Thanks Ive often wondered how best to define education. Id like to define education as the procurement of those preternatural skills which would enable a person to choose between what is right and what is not. Our Indian system of education since time immemorial has been sailing magnificently on the winds of hope, moral coherence and ethical values with the principal objective of making all of us good human beings as opposed to mere knowledge banks.Over the decades, weve produced some very fine men and women. From Swami Vivekananda to Sir C V Raman, from Amartya Sen to Rajendra Pachauri, theyve all been fine lode stars of our educational system. I know thereve been people cynical of our harsh and stern methodology of education. But if the drilling exercise is a necessity for intellectual growth, then why not tread that path fearlessly? After all, it is only under pressure that coal turns to dia mond. Look at the list of school related criminal attacks worldwide and youd observe the US perched handsomely at the top.The dominant role of Indian Americans in the US economy is pretty noticeable as well. Is it not ironical that the well oiled products of our educational system are largely responsible for the economic boom of a global superpower? Whos the Big Daddy now? Is this not tangible testimony of our profound educational prowess? Above all the number crunching and intricate statistics, above all the heated cacophony of debates and discussions, just one phrase rings euphoria and triumph in my mind. Vande Mataram. Nothing else. Thank you.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Stanford (Zimbardo) Experiment
THE STANFORD EXPERIMENT What happens when you put good people in an nefariousness place? How the milieu affect behaviours , attitudes or beliefs of people? Philip Zimbardo was interested in this questions. Zimvardo choose a prison house enviroment as the evil place. Zimbardo prep ar the basement of Stanford University Psychlogy Department like a prison to suspend security problems. All of the conditions in basement change for prove such as guards uniform , captives oeralls, grates , dark cell etc. Zimbardo gave sun-glasses to guards to avoid personel relation between guards and prisoners with the barricade eye contact.After the preperation had been completed , Zimbardo choose 21 people with no physically and mental healt issue. These people came after see the newspaper announce. Subjects seperated two groups as prisoners and guard randomly. captives arrested like a real guilty and their eyes bandaged so they couldnt recognize where they atomic number 18. Firstly Zimbardo tell to guards conditions and rules. The rules are * Guardians responsible for keep the pattern safe in prison. * If a prisoner escape , The experiment would find been terminated * As the last and most important one is no violance to prisoners.First day the subjects of the experiment couldnt adapt their mathematical functions but day by day guards have alter their roles more than Zimbardo expected similarly prisoners. A few day later guards started to behave sadistic and tendency to physically violence. On the some former(a) hand prisoners had emotional problems. There are two key people on each berth Guard stool Wayne and captive 8612. John Wayne had so sadictic behaviours and their leader character effect separate guards. Actually, John Wayne play the hired hand Luke role in this experiment.John Wayne watched a motion picture called Cool Hand Luke in this movie there are a guardian named Hand Luke , John Wayne choose Hand Luke as a role model in this experiment. Prisoner 861 2 The turn turn uplion leader was Prisoner 8621. He was lead them to rebel against the rules and they make barriers with their beds to block guards. Guards punish Prisoner 8612 with staying the dark room. After the hard conditions , Prisoner 8612 decided quiting the experiment and then he gone to Zimbardo. Zimbardo tell him that If you stay in the experiment, I save you from bad demeanours of guards for telleing any(prenominal) prisoners do in cells. 612 confused and when he turn back to the cells tell other prisoners that We understructure non get off of here. And this effect the experiment essentially. Prisoner 8612 try to escape with patient role , by the time he adapted the patient role and he had mental problems. After that Zimbardo put back him with another subject Prisoner 416. When Prisoner 416 join there , he want to get out as soon as possible. Because Prisoner 416 had not adapted the role but everybody in prison adapted, and things that happenin in prison seems ins ane. Guards tell him that Here is a real prison. and persuade Prisoner 416 to stay in. Prisoner 416 could not endure guards bad behaviour and he start hunger strike. John Wayne persuade other guards about the punisment of Prisoner 416 as a leader. Guards put in black room and punish other prisoners , and they say You would punish because of Prisoner 416. Other prisoners exclude Prisoner 416. Another psychologist Cristina Maslach came to observe the experiment and Maslach questioned its pietism , and Zimbardo decided to terminate the experiment before 9 age earlier CONCLUSIONSThe Stanford experiment ended on six days after it began. Zimbardo called both the guards and prisoners to a meeting and announced that the experiment is over. The experiments results are impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimizing ideologyand social and institutional support. Result are similar with Milgram experiment. CRITICISM OF EXPERIMENT The guards, prisoners in any case Z imbardo adapted to their roles more completely than expected. One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited sadistic tendencies. One-five of the Prisoners had emotional problems.Unexpectedly, Zimbardo act a prison manager. This poll was cleared by the Ethics Code of the American Psychological Association, showing that experiments on paper can look very different than the way that they play out in reality. The experiment was criticized as unethical and unscientific. The participants were only engaging inrole-playing. In response, Zimbardo claimed that even if there was role-playing initially, participantsinternalizedthese roles as the experiment continued. More directly, though, it has been pointed out that, in contrast to Zimbardos laim that participants were given no instructions about how to behave, his briefing of the guards gave them a clear mother wit that they should oppress the prisoners. In this sense the study was an exploration of the effects of tyrannical leader ship. In line with this, plastered guards, such as one known as John Wayne, changed their behavior because of wanting to conform to the behavior that Zimbardo was trying to elicit. VARIABLES Actually nobody can say the experiment fail because of early termination. The experiment over before 9 days earlier than planned but the results are so important as scientific.We have to use Occams razor to get rid of less effective independent variables, just about independent variables for Guards result * Prison environment (as an evil place) Contaminating variables * Power (as a Guard) Guard models (like Hand Luke) Moderator * Perfectly prepared prison environment Intervening variable * Losing responsibility Dependent variable * playing Role perfectly Independent variables for Prisoners * Prison environment (as a pressure area) * Obedience instinct Moderator Prisoner 8621 say to other prisoners that Noone can leave Intervening variable * Individualization Dependent variable * playacting Roles and feel like a real prisoner ASSESMENT OF THE EXPERIMENT The Stanford Experiment is a psychological experiment. Inputs are people so lots of contaminate variables effect the results. Elimination of contaminate variables processes is so important also a hard thing for the experiment. Zimbardo try to get reliable resolutions like randomization for guard and prisoner groups. But this experiment is an unrepeatable experiment so confidence interval of results had been accept true.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Class Conflict in Pakistan Society Essay
Conflict theorieConflict theories ar perspectives in social wisdom that emphasize the social, governmental, or material inequality of a social collection, that critique the broad socio- governmental system, or that differently detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservativism. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as trend conflict, and generally contrast historically dominant ideologies. It is therefore a macro level analysis of hunting lodge. Karl Marx is the forefather of the social conflict theory, which is a comp iodinnt of the 4 paradigms of sociology. Certain conflict theories set out to cotton up the ideological aspects inherent in traditional thought. Whilst m any of these perspectives hold parallels, conflict theory does not identify to a unified school of thought, and should not be confused with, for instance, peace and conflict studies, or any other specific theory of social conflicElite ClassDef- A group or screen of someones or a member of such a group or split up, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or frugal status-First, The occurrence is that the term and concept, elite group, is misrepresented and misunderstood in this country. Intriguingly, those who are theatrical role of the elite themselves carry out most of the anti-elite commentary. In fact, castigating the elite at popular forums is a way to pee-pee legitimacy that could lead to acquisition of greater power. While there is no doubt about the fact that Pakistans elite is irresponsible towards itself and the plurality, it was more interesting to see the gentleman refer to Asif Ali Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Nawaz Shrif as part of the elite.Second, elite is not a static concept but is forever evolving. What constituted elite yesterday whitethorn not be the same today or even tomorrow. Historically and popularly, the elite referred to the landed-feudal group because this was the dominant group in an agrarian econom y like Pakistans. Later, as mentioned earlier, other groups were formed. The evolutionary movement also meant that newer elite groups emerged almost every decade callable to state patronage that replaced the traditional elite and the older ones merged into the newer formations.Third, the elite are not just a group, but also the boot of a process that facilitates a constant cycle of change in a society. In courtship of a powerful, yet easily manipulated state like Pakistan, the process of elite formation is directly united with the ability of a group to manipulate the state, its power and resources. This means that what may be the middle cast or start middle shed light on of yesterday can be the elite of today. For instance, who could imagine a few decades ago that one day, people belonging to lower middle or middle crystalize backgrounds, like Altaf Hussain, Qaim Ali Shah, Malik Riaz, Humayun Akhtar, Ijazul Haq, or Arsalan Iftikhar leave alone be powerful millionaires and part of the elite.Middle carve upThe middle class is a class of people in the middle of a societal hierarchy. In Weberian socio-economic terms, the middle class is the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the working class and upper class. The common measures of what constitutes middle class vary significantly among cultures.As Dr Nayab postulates, to answer that question one first has to define what one means by middle class. She starts off by looking at standard economic renderings of what constitutes the middle class and applies a range of these definitions to the data to see how Pakistan fares. She uses 15 formulae, ranging from the definition of the middle class as those with 75 to 125% of the median income, to expenditure from $2 to $20 per person per day, to double the poverty line. Her results differ widely, ranging from a finding that there is no middle class in Pakistan, to the finding that 60% of the population can be defined as middle class.This composite list yields results that seem more intuitive. Dr Nayab entrap that in 2007/08, 41.9% of the population of Pakistan belonged to the lower-lower class or to be more blunt, the misfortunate. This dimension rose to 55% when exactly rural areas were considered. Aspirants to middle-classismconstituted 23% of the population, while climbers who are likely to bind there constituted another 15% or so. The hard-core middle class remained small at 4.3% of the population. But Dr Nayabs multiple classification of middle class makes more sensory faculty sociologically, as it seems more realistic to think of the middle class itself as a series of layers. lower class working class (or lower class, labouring class, sometimes proletariat) is a term used in thesocial sciences and in quotidian conversation to describe those employed in lower tier jobs (as measured by skill, education and lower incomes), often extending to those in unemployment or otherwise possess ing below-average incomes. Working classes are mainly found in industrializedeconomies and in urban areas of non-industrialized economies.InjusticInjustice is, the idea of not giving each person his or her fair due as a matter of right.Commonly Found Social Injustices A few commonly found social injustices in our society are 1. Unequal distribution of resources 2. Restricted access of common people to the quality education 3. Monopoly of rich class in the semipolitical system of the country 4. Lack of prefatorial health facilities to poor5. Non availability of necessary commodities to major portion of the population Place of Women in Society/ sex Violence. With the erosion of social values, the place of women in our society has also been lost sight of. It is most too bad that gender madness is a common norm of our social culture more so in backward and less educated segments of our society. Marriage System. Owing to lack of education and following outdated traditions, the system of marriage in Pakistan is being run on the primitive terms of ignorance. Place of women in society makes her rather a scape-goat for any matrimonial affair. She does not eat up any liberty to make conclusivenesss for her sprightliness partner less to decide about others. Violation of Human Rights.Pakistans record of human rights does not make her qualify to stand spirited in the comity of culturedized nations. Due to lack of education, poor social system and backwardness, violation of human rights is a common norm in Pakistan. And the worst impact of this are the women, children and the poor masses. Class Division of Society. Pakistani society is highly polarized and divided into various castes, classes, ghostlike affinities and political affiliation. This makes it highly vulnerable to be exploited by the elements working against Pakistan. Intolerant Society. We are an rigid society. This intolerance manifests itself in our social, religious and political activities. Our re lationships are characterized by unthinking support. There is little sense of accommodation for rivals or competitors or those who belong to another sect, region or ethnic group,political crisisThe political crisis in Pakistan threatens to trigger yet another period of instability in the country. The three-way power contend between the military, the government and the courts once again exposes the weaknesses of the countrys democratic institutions, say German commentators. The political drama playing out in Pakistan this week took another twist Tuesday when the countrys high court ordered the arrest of Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on suspicions of corruption and nepotism. The suspicions have followed Ashraf for years, but the timing of the announcement now threatens to light a match on the countrys smoldering political crisis.Since Sunday self proclaimed revolutionary leader Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has been leading a hold out manifest calling for the ouster of Paki stani President Asif Ali Zadari. Qadri, a moderate clergyman who has denounced corruption among the political class, has seen a meteoric rise to popularity over the last months. On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators joined his protest and packed capital of Pakistans streets. The courts announcement came in the middle of Qadris speech on Tuesday and the promote broke out in cheers at the intelligence information. On Wednesday, Qadri once again called for the end of the government.If these thieves hadnt control Pakistan, today every child in the country would have a smile on their face, he shouted to his followers. Meanwhile the countrys normally meddlesome military has been strangely silent in the midst of chaos. That silence has led some observers to believe that the countrys generals are behind Qadris campaign. The turmoil comes just weeks before Pakistans government was set to complete its five year term, a milestone in a country that normally experiences volatile shifts of power. At the same time violence has been growing with extremists attacking the government and religious minorities..THE PLANETARY CHALLENGEIf an alternative future for Pakistan is not created, the pendulum will continue with collapse always being in the background. Moreover, in the world we now live in, a weakness or pathology in any part of the planetary system threatens us all. Pakistans futures are part of the planets futures we all need to transform.Great Game.Pakistan remains a pawn, moved slightly for the strategic and ideological purposes of the great powers. Whether in proxy wars against the Russians or against 9/11 jihadis or whoever may be next, Pakistans capacity to influence its future is low or non-existent. At best, it can only rent out its military, or territory, for others battles. In this future (as in the current present), the rental receipts do not lead to even development they merely enrich those getting the rent, generally the military. The national post becomes not how to transform the great game but how to get a piece of the action, legitimately or illegitimately. Those not part of the money game sing songs of grand conspiracies. These songs take away agency. While Pakistan has a dependency relationship with the rest of the world, citizens have a dependency child/adult relationship with the government, expecting it to operate each and every problem, without taking responsibility for their own actions and blaming the government when it fails. At the collective level, Pakistan remains rudderless, evoking the spoken language of the founder, but unable to follow through with action.Economic InjusticeA few weeks ago the news was published that the Punjabgovernment had allotted 4,000 yards (or more) for Rs1,000 per person to multitudegenerals, including Gen Pervez Musharraf. The given argument was that they got cheap land because the area was not developed. The account statement of this country reveals that undeveloped area s get developed quickly where generals and army officials get land. Are army power the only bureaucrats serving this country? What about other people who are working in civil bureaucratic institutions and private organizations? Do they also get so many benefits as do the army personnel?Economic Progress, Stability are key to Pakistans futureArmy interfering in Pakistani politicsMany political parties claim that they do not want army to intermeddle in political issues and that army should be on borders doing its job. Recently there was a long march started by the lawyers and some political parties for the restoration of the deposed Chief justice. the protest became violent when the protesters started beating policemen. Later that nighttime General Ashfaq pervaiz kiyani talked to Prime minister Yousuf raza gilani and asked him to restore the deposed chief justice immediately. After which the prime minister yousuf raza gilani took the decision to restore the deposed cheif justice in front of the people of Pakistan. The decision was welcomed by parties like plmn and pti.All these parties which in old claimed that army should not interfere in politics did not even said a name against General Kiyani pressurizing an elected prime minister instead they welcomed the decision.Source http//
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Rizal Biography
Biography of Jose Rizal The Birth of a Hero Born On June 19, 1861, Seventh of the 11 Children of Theodora Relonda and Francisco Mercado Real Name Jose Protacio Alonzo Mercado Rizal y Realonda Rizal as a Child jump on of 3 learns his alphabet from his mother. Age of 5 learns how to write and read. Age of 8 wrote his first poem Sa aking mga Kababata 11 Children of Francisco and Theodora Saturnina ( 1850 1913 ) eldest child of the family. Paciano ( 1815 1930 ) cured brother of Jose Rizal. Narcisa ( 1852 1939 ) excessively called as Sisa and the third child of the family.Olimpia Rizal ( 1855 1887 ) a telegraph operator in Manila. Lucia ( 1857 1919 ) espouse to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba. Maria ( 1859 1945 ) to a fault called as Biang. JOSE ( 1861 1896 ) ( The greatest hero and Philippine encyclopedia ) also called as Pepe. Concepcion ( 1862 1865 ) also called as Concha. Died at the age of 3 due to a serious case of illness. Josefa ( 1865 1945 ) also called as P anggo. Trinidad ( 1868 1951 ) also called as Trining. Soledad ( 1870 1929 ) youngest member of the family. She marry Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba. The Heros PainRizal is genuinely sad when his sister concha died, because concha is very close to him, they play together and do other stuffs together. Concha died at the age of 3. The story of the Moth This is the story of Thoedora to Rizal, he made this his inspiration. School in Binan, Calamba Rizal went to Binan Rizal went to Binan to go to trail. First day of School Rizal doesnt know anyone from the coach so he just sits in one corner and doing nothing. First Fight One of the school bullies of Rizals school bullied him and because he cant hold his temper anymore, Rizals First run was made.Rizal Enters Ateneo Rizal went to school at Ateneo Municipal de Manila, w here(predicate) he excelled in class, also he made lots of industrial plant their including poems, dramas sculptures and many more. Aking Unang Inspiration This is a poem that Rizal made for his mothers birthday. Poems of Education Rizal also wrote poems that talks about Education. Sa Edukasyon ay Magtatamo ng Liwanag ang Bansa Malapit na Ugnayan ng Relihiyon at Mabuting Edukasyon Rizals Religious Poems Rizal also wrote religious poems. Sa Sanggol na si Hesus Para sa Berhing Maria First get alongOur heros first love was Segunda, Segunda is the sister of Mariano which is also his classmate. Unfortunately Rizal and Segunda werent able to be together because Sugunda already has a boyfriend that time. Medical assimilator of University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882) Rizal go to medical school at the University of Santo Tomas, his reason is that he wants to cure his mother that suffers from blindness. Rizals Love life Miss L nobody knows the real and full name of Miss L. Leonor Valenzuela also called as Orang. Leonor Rivera Rizal doesnt know that Leonor Rivera is his far away cousin.Education Abroad Rizal went to school abroad, he enrolled at diffe rent colleges at different countries. Exile and Courtship In 1892, Rizal returned to the Philippines. He was almost immediately accused of being problematical in the brewing rebellion, and was exiled to Dapitan, on the island of Mindanao. During that same period, the people of the Philippines grew more eager to revolt against the Spanish colonial presence. Inspired in part by Rizals organization, La Liga, rebel leaders like Andres Bonifacio began to press for phalanx action against the Spanish regime. Life In DapitanRizal became an inventor, a farmer ( he planted abacas ), a instructor ( he teaches young boys to speak English ) and also a doctor ( ophthalmologist ), it is also here where he met Josephine Bracken, Josephine brought her stepfather for Rizal to cure, Rizal courted Josephine and even wrote a special poem just for the lady, then they decided to get unite but they were not permitted because the government is still mad at Rizal. Trial and Execution The Philippine whi rling broke out in 1896. Rizal denounced the violence, and received permission to travel to Cuba in order to tend victims of yellow-bellied fever in exchange for his freedom.Bonifacio and two associates sneaked aboard the ship to Cuba before it left the Philippines, trying to commute Rizal to escape with them, but Rizal refused. He was arrested by the Spanish on the way, taken to Barcelona, and then extradited to Manila for trial. Jose Rizal was tried by court martial, charged with conspiracy, sedition and rebellion. Despite a lack of any evidence of his complicity in the Revolution, Rizal was convicted on all counts and given the death sentence. He was allowed to marry Josephine two hours before his execution by firing squad on December 30, 1896. Jose Rizal was just 35 years old.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Blood and Vengeance Essay
In Sudetics record book, Blood and Vengeance, the agent portrays a multicultural country whose people were living together more than or less peacefully until their dormant heathen hostilities were awakened and manipulated in a state of war of aggression. It was a war that was brought on by a hardly a(prenominal) people with a thirst for power and a score to settle which is indicative of the title. It is the tradition of Serbs to contract blood vengeance for past crimes against them and, while there may be ratifiers who consider magnanimity as the noble thing, the Serbs and their culture, in sharp contrast, appear unsympathetic at times.In brief, Sudetic successfully illustrates the macro policy issues with an in-depth view of the Celik familys experience in Srebrenica. This book is a devastating indictment of the international alliance for allowing atrocities like this to occur again, after similar incidents which occurred in WWII, Rwanda, Cambodia and Guatemala. It is a f irm and definitive account of a tragic chapter in Bosnias history. The first section of the book helps explain the root causes of the war in Bosnia and contains a brief yet momentous introduction of the history of Bosnia. Sudetic then introduces the reader to the Celiks (A Bosnian Family).The reader becomes completely enveloped by the tragedy and ordeals that the family endures and it becomes hard not to empathize with them, sharing their deepest emotions and concerns. Central to the theme of this book is Sudetics comprehensive account of the atrocities that took place in Srebrenica after the town was overrun by the Bosnian Serb army. Muslim men were taken to different locations to be shot. Those who survived have been able to testify about these grievous atrocities. The Celik family fled from their village of Kusupovici to Srebrenica when the war began.Approximately forty green people from neighboring towns sought shelter in Srebrenica which was later taken under siege and was con stantly shelled by the Bosnian Serb army. Very few U. N. convoys were allowed to reckon Srebrenica in order to deliver food and medical supplies to its refugees. Srebrenicas people were isolated from the rest of the earth for three long years with severe food rations, the lack of electricity, clean water and medical supplies. Hundreds of refugees died from starving and disease. Blood and Vengeance is virtually a gripping account of unlucky people who were trapped in an ironic safe zone of Srebrenica.The city fell on July 12, 1995 after three years of Serb occupation. The author describes the events as vividly as it was illustrated on television. Bosnian Serb forces summarily executed approximately eight thousand Muslims, an event not witnessed since WWII. The details of the massacre were gruesome including the days leading up to it. It was even more disturbing that the U. N. was completely indifferent to the plight of these people with numerous documents corroborating this. The U . N. maintained that, though they were given the say-so for air strikes, they did not because they felt it would exacerbate the conflict.Those Muslims who tried to escape were frequently ambushed by the Bosnian Serb army. The look a reader gets from this book is probably the most accurate one concerning the war in Bosnia. This war was not the mandate of the people but instead, the cruelty imposed by General Milosevic. It appears that, in this book, its the United Nations and Western diplomats that take the blame. In addition to blame put on the U. N. , Sudetic writes of the convenient phantasm that all sides in the Bosnian war were equally guilty of the evils perpetrated there.That was never the case. He also dispenses with the international communitys implication that the corrosive three years was inevitable. In reality, it was deliberately manipulated by jingoistic Serb leaders. Sudetic also exposes the moral cowardice & incompetence of the international community. Even though it can be argued that the Serbs were manipulated by the anti-Muslim propaganda monopolizing the media in the former Yugoslavia, it is fair to state that the Muslims had nothing comparable to cloud their judgment.In summary, Blood and Vengeance, is a true account of a family in the Serbian conflict engaged in a political and social context of violence and aggression. There is a balance in the authors critical review of Muslim and Serb atrocities, and his anger at the failures of politicians and peacekeepers is extremely pronounced. It is a riveting tale of the experiences of the Celik family and to the welfare of each family extremity as they try to escape the violence. Bibliography 1. Blood and Vengeance One Familys Story of the War in Bosnia, Chuck Sudetic, 1999
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