Friday, December 27, 2019
John F. Kennedy s Record On Foreign Policy - 1304 Words
Although John F. Kennedy’s record on foreign policy has received mixed reviews because of his all too short presidency, Kennedy’s approach or strategy on how to deal with international issues gave the United States of America options on foreign policy, both then and now. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born to a rich and privileged family who was already a well politically connected family. The Kennedy’s fortune came from the stock market, entertainment, and other business ventures by Joseph â€Å"Joe†Kennedy who also served as ambassador to the United Kingdom during the start of World War II; Chairman of both the Security and Exchange Commission and the Federal Maritime Commission. His mother’s, Rose, father, John F. Fitzgerald served as Mayor†¦show more content†¦Senate. Kennedy’s concern for world peace while in both the U.S. Congress and Senate allowed him to travel to many countries. As a member of the Senate’s Foreign Rel ations Committee, Kennedy concentrated on the issues of third world countries. Seeing a need for a new approach to U.S. Presidency, Kennedy ran his presidential campaign as â€Å"A New Leader for The 60’s†. He saw that â€Å"a durable peace requires vigor and imagination†. This imagination included the need for a dynamic foreign policy. Kennedy did not agree with President Eisenhower’s foreign policy that included Massive Retaliation. Kennedy’s view of the world was not as hard as President Eisenhower. The Cold War tensions were high due to the concern over massive retaliation that included the use of nuclear weapons. Kennedy saw opportunities for diplomacy and alternative military strategies in addition to possible retaliation. Kennedy started a new generation of foreign policy experts who were to come up with optional strategies to going to war. From these experts came Flexible Response. Flexible Response or Flexible Deterrent Options used a w ide variety of diplomacy; political; economic and military options to avoid attacks or war with another country. This strategy was first introduced in a book by General Maxwell D. Taylor called The Uncertain Trumpet (1960). Kennedy used Flexible Response as an option to President Eisenhower’s New Look national security policy. Although thought to be an inexpensive
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Leadership Styles Of A Leadership - 2164 Words
Effective Group Leadership Skills A leadership philosophy helps to define and let others know what you expect, what things you value, and how you act as a leader. Different styles of leadership are needed for different situations. Every leader needs to know when and how to display a particular approach of leadership within a group. Leadership strategies define every leader’s personal leadership style. Three leadership styles of a counselor are the following: authoritarian style leaders, democratic style leaders, and laissez-faire style leaders. Leadership Styles Authoritarian leaders are the leaders who like to do all the group decisions on their own and tell other group members what to do and how to do it. This type of leadership is very beneficial when you are in need of a quick decision or faced with some type of crisis. This type of decision making can easily be abused and can often be viewed as being bossy and over controlling. Leaders who use this style may provoke dependence, criticism, dissatisfaction, and aggression from their group members (Forsyth, 1990). According to Gladding 2012, authoritarian leaders do not ask for consideration or suggestions from group members; instead, they structure and direct their groups according to their own wishes, purposes, and the information available to them. A task group could benefit more from an Authoritarian leader. Tasks groups focus on accomplishing specific goals. According to Gladding 1994, â€Å"with task groups, anShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles : Leadership Style780 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Leadership style is designed according to a pioneer s behaviors, which is enveloped under behaviorist theory. Inside of this class, distinctive examples of leadership behavior are watched and classified as leadership styles. Practicing managers have a tendency to be the most keen on looking into this specific theory in light of the fact that with it leaders can modify their style taking into account the convictions, values, inclinations and society of the association they work for.Read MoreLeadership Styles And Leadership Style1026 Words  | 5 PagesThe fourth subject is the leadership style. As of right now the company is an autocratic style. This means that there is less communication involved. â€Å"In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making.†(Leadership Toolbox) The leadership style mainly effects the employees. The reason for this is because with an autocratic leadership, there is less communication. The employees have opinions in the business and they want to share thoseRead MoreLeadership Styles Of Leadership Style1399 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is leadership? Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines leadership as â€Å"the power or ability to lead other people†. Although this is simply put, it is also correct. But leadership is much more than the ability to lead. The ability is one piece of the puzzle. Other pieces to consider in leadership are education, attributes, and style, just to name a few. In this assignment, I will focus on leadership style. Specifically, I will discuss my style according to the assessment developed byRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles897 Words  | 4 PagesThe last style of leadership is delegative leadership in which the leader delegates tasks to the employees. This leader is abl e to derive satisfaction from allowing the staff to participate in decision making responsibilities (Brody and Nair, 2014, p. 4). These leadership styles are not set in stone and characteristics may overlap into other leaderships styles. The leadership style that would best suit a rural area is participate leadership style. In rural areas agencies and organizations lack resourceRead MoreLeadership Styles And Leadership Style851 Words  | 4 Pageswant to give critical thought to your unique leadership style and foster genuine followership, learn from what’s out there and weave it into something meaningful and authentic.†(Feiner, 2015) For the last two weeks, I have spent time self-analyzing and soul searching to identify the qualities I bring to a leadership role. Many of the core values important to me also align between the participative leadership style and laissez-faire leadership style. These values include working in a team environmentRead MoreThe Leadershi p Style Of Leadership Styles1994 Words  | 8 Pagesthat leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed growing demanding to managers’ leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by using similar styles. The leadership styleRead MoreLeadership Styles : Leadership Style995 Words  | 4 PagesLeaders are expected to use a leadership style, communication skills, and their knowledge of interpersonal and team dynamics to create an appropriate quality of work life for their followers in the workplace. A leadership style is a combination of a leader’s attitude, expertise, character, and values that is exhibited in the leader’s behavior. Each style of leadership reflects a leader’s beliefs about a follower’s capabilities. A follower’s perception of leadership style really matters to them, as theyRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles934 Words  | 4 PagesThere is much that is written about leadership; like books on leadership styles, techniques and also biographies of leaders that have inspired people to action. While this is true, there is the everyday leadership and a slightly different outlook to leadership as well. Here are a few of them. 1. There Are Different Kinds of Leaders Among leaders are formal and informal leaders. Formal leaders are elected to their positions like congressmen, senators and office bearers of clubs. Informal leadersRead MoreLeadership Styles : Leadership Style979 Words  | 4 Pagestheir own leadership style. In her article, Johnson (n.d.) discusses five leadership styles: Laissez-Faire, autocratic, transactional, transformational and participative. Laissez-Faire has a French origin and it means â€Å"a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering†(Oxford dictionaries, 2016). When leaders take total control, such as making all decisions alone and does not ask for the input of the employees, they are using the autocratic leadership style. ThisRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles Essay1433 Words  | 6 Pagesprobably feel as if they know enough about leadership to speak on the subject. In many cases, however, this is not truly the case at all. Leadership is a broad concept , and there are several different styles and approaches to consider when studying the topic. It is important to consider these styles and approaches when evaluating the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of any particular form of leadership. With that in mind, this essay will consider the leadership styles of two leaders who are involved in the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Software Development Company Has A Poorly †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Software Development Company Has A Poorly? Answer: Introducation This is the evaluation, understanding and the scope of the network that need to be implemented by 5Star Company (Techopedia, 2017). The network consists of various components ranging from network cabling (circuits), hardware components and software components. These components are interconnected to form a network layout or topology that represents how the network design looks like and operates. Network Circuits This consists of transmission media that allow computers to communicate with each other across the network. The main media being the network cables that are required for the proposed network include: Fiber cable This will act as a transmission media and connects networking devices for faster transmission across the network. This transmission cable will connect core components to distribution components and end user components in the network. Ethernet cat5 cable This cable shall be used to connect access layer devices to the whole 5Star Company LANs in each building. RJ 45 Plugs This will be used for network cable termination for the proposed network design. Hardware Components Network Switches This provides interconnection of other network devices within a network (Mitchell, 2017). The types of switches that 5Star Company should go for based on future extensibility factor are modular switches. This kind of switch will enhance flexibility and future extensibility for 5Star Company. These switches support modular line cards that allow addition of ports on the switch in the case of scaling the management. Router This device will allow connection of 5Star networks and extend to internet accessibility. The router will enhance communications between the three LAN networks for 5Star Company. Wireless Access Point (WAP) This will ensure that additional or other clients or workstations are connected to 5Star network wirelessly. The device will broadcast digital signals across 5Star Company at a given range. Server Components These include; DNS server, mail server, Web server, file server, DHCP server, Database server and print server. The devices will provide important functionalities in the network design. Workstations devices These are employees personal computers, office IP phones among other devices connected to the 5Star Network. Software Components These include operating systems, Network Operating System (NOS) which are executed other network for sharing resources across the 5Star Network. Another software is Anti-Virus software to enable the company overcome malicious attacks from external attackers. The network to be designed will therefore rely on the named components in order for the design to be successful (Mbaocha, 2012). Network Logical Design The diagram below represent 5Star Network logical design based on the three-layered hierarchical network model proposed for the network. 5Star Data Center hosts all the dedicated servers available on this network design. The data center processes all the requests from the workstations as well as providing assignment of IP addresses to new devices in the network. Therefor all the operations of the company will highly rely on the dedicated server hosted at the data center. Physical Network Design The following depicts a physical layout of the proposed 5Star Software Development Company. The diagram above represents the three buildings of the company which are Software Development, Technical and Administrative Building. All these three buildings have different LANs which are interconnected in the core and all accessed servers that are centrally hosted in the cloud. References CISCO, 2014. Campus Design Summary. Singapore: Cisco. Coleman, N., 2012. Happy Haven Day care network design proposal. Michigan: Network Solution Inc. Mbaocha, C.C., 2012. DESIGN OF CAMPUS LAN WITH FUTO AS A CASE STUDY. Academic Research International. Mitchell, B., 2017. Internet and Network. What is Computer Networking?, pp.1-3. Techopedia, 2017. marketing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 September 2017]
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Spinal Tap Essay Research Paper This is free essay sample
Spinal Tap Essay, Research Paper This is Spinal Tap While trying to be nil more than a amusing parody of the music industry, Spinal Tap was alternatively rocketed to cult icon position. The characters in the film are so to the full thought out that about all stone and axial rotation sets that became popular prior to and half a decennary subsequently than the release of the film fit the stereotypes presented by this fabricated set that ended up being more existent than any other legitimate sets of the clip. The yearss of disco had long faded by the 1984 release of this movie, and the hood scene was still for the most portion resistance. With the hair band scene merely get downing to come to light, and blame music being confined to the street, this film would sardonically put the basis for the sellout crowd sphere stone groups of the 1880ss. We will write a custom essay sample on Spinal Tap Essay Research Paper This is or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Or as they are normally referred to now, the hair bands. Now Spinal Tap as portrayed in the film was in fact a metal set, but metal at that clip would be called stone and axial rotation merely a few old ages down the route. If you look at the sets such as Poison, Twisted Sister, Ratt, Def Leopard etc # 8230 ; you will detect that they are in fact Spinal Tap without the clout line. On a side note the have oning adult females # 8217 ; s apparels and make-up were a unusual happening thrown in from the new moving ridge sets that were acquiring club drama at the clip. This is really where the term hair set came from. That fact aside you will detect that everything from personality of the set members, to the groupies that follow them, and the interior dealingss of the set members themselves are merely somewhat exaggerated in the film. First and first you have the lead singer/ guitar player that got all the acknowledgment. In spinal pat that character is none other than David St. Hubbins, who s long blond hair and happy travel lucky attitude earned him the stamp hearted yet clearly egotistic member of the set. If you will detect he tire a dramatic resemblance to the Axel Rose type of vocalist that became so popular later on. The lead vocalist was responsible for most major set determinations that were outside of the directions control and normally the 1 to talk at interviews. As with most sets there is a spot of tenseness between him and other set members. Which brings me to the following stereotyped set member, the quiet yet talented right manus adult male of the lead vocalist. This portion is played by Nigel Tufnel who is in the set to do music foremost and money subsequently. This character represents the member of the set who s endowment clearly outshines the others and is most likely to go forth the set for artistic grounds. In Spinal Tap this member plays lead guitar and does some backup vocals. He is far and off the most clue less member of the set and is the option to the fans who don t attention much for the vocalist. Sorry to utilize so many Guns and Roses mentions but they seem to be the most identifiable set consistent with the Spinal Tap stereotype. In which instance Slash from Guns and Roses would stand for Nigel. Nigel himself is full of the stone and axial rotation ideal, so much as to where he boasts that they are the loudest set out because he has a particular A that has a volume control that goes to eleven alternativ ely of the usual 10. Then of class you have the quiet m ember who merely seems to be at that place. This individual is normally the most emotionally stable member of the set yet lacks the acknowledgment of their opposite numbers. This character is the great Derek Smalls who plays bass guitar and is normally at a a loss for words. While he does non state much, that he does state is normally the most relevant input from the set. In the manner of Tom Jones and Ted Nugent he wears tight bloomerss with a sock stuffed down the fork. The last 20 seven members of the set are all past drummers who have died in tragic accidents. This facet of the film is peculiarly interesting because in true stone and axial rotation manner the set members have met their ill-timed decease. Despite the fact that stone and axial rotation has merely been around for 50 old ages, it has become an industry platitude to decease from unnatural causes. The set itself is a running gag, non because they are non truly a set, but because they know they are non a existent set. While they do hold albums that have been released and I even believe they have played a unrecorded show or two, they are still non a conventional set. It does look unusual but think of them as histrions who are excessively carried off with their work. They did play the music for the film and because of the reaction to the film decided to on occasion play these vocals elsewhere. So, they became a set because they played 1 in a film. This is none of the many grounds that Spinal Tap, the film and the imposter set, has a immense cult following. In the essay The Cult Files The writers make mention to cult following being popular because: It is a phenomenon that speaks strongly of a diverse system of gustatory sensation differentiations that both supports and masks the extremist unfairnesss of the age by spliting the audience into insiders and foreigners. ( Reeves, Rodg ers, Epstein, 266-7 ) With Spinal Taps entreaty to fans of the music genre and critics alike it is no admiration they are a reasonably family name. Although I am to immature to to the full retrieve the early 1880ss firsthand, I still, for the most portion, cognize what happened. Over clip I ve come to understand the 1880ss better through the films, telecasting shows, music, manner, and other niceties of civilised society. The thing is, when you interpret something you can non ever take it at face value. For illustration every film whether it be an academy award victor or portion of the sound to video group, relays the thoughts of the shapers of the film, and no affair how abstract the secret plan may be it still pertains to the popular civilization at the clip. Now non all films can be every bit insightful but for the most portion they all contain some intimations of the ambiance they were shot in. Certain films such as Ferris Buellers Day Off seem to be more of a snapshot ofdaily life back so, while others are radical in the sense that they portray elements of society that are still old ages off, such as War Games which hinted at the importance of computing machines in the hereafter. While both types of films are common, some are lucky plenty to give hints non merely about the manner things were but the manner things are traveling to be. One of these such films is This is Spinal Tap. While their infl uences are get downing to lessen it is still astonishing that four histrions in a reasonably low budget film had an influence at all.
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