Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Discourse in Othello Essay Example
Discourse in Othello Paper Language Is, arguably, the primary defining feature that separates humanity from the rest of the animal kingdom. It has allowed the classification of our known universe. And the subsequent formation of an abstract body of collective intelligence. Language also has the power to persuade and seduce, which has resulted in a dynamic understanding of our feeling and emotions. Due to the fundamental function of language to Interpret and understand the complexities of our own social system, it follows that ways of speaking about specific ideas and beliefs are instrumental in the formation and manipulation of ideologies in such a system. In the context of Othello, Moor of Venice, discourse around gender works to both reinforce and challenge the dominant assumptions of patriarchal society through the normalization and empowerment of primary female characters. The Elizabethan era marked an interesting period in the history of gender dynamics. Although the role of women In society was still very limited, the highly Intelligent Queen Elizabeth Inspired a spike In womens education. Gender expectations were precise: men were the breadwinners and women raised the children and maintained the household. However, the era did witness the emergence of female artists; for example, female writers were often contracted to transcribe religious works, and a painter by the name of Leviathan Terrible was even contracted by Henry VIII, Mary and Elizabeth. The intellectually liberal Renaissance movement gained momentum during this time, and as the empires female figurehead became ever more revered, the affluent members of society hired private tutors to provide education for their wives and daughters as It was still unacceptable for women to attend school or university. We will write a custom essay sample on Discourse in Othello specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Discourse in Othello specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Discourse in Othello specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Women rarely had the money to fund their own education, with the exception of lethal heiresses and the monarchy, as they were unable to enter respected professions or inherit land titles. Due to an overarching belief that women were the weaker sex, It was considered Important for them to by looked after by a man; which resulted in marriage being the unquestioned goal of all girls. Despite many depictions of abusive marriages at the time, it was expected that while the man was the head of the relationship, his role was to care for the woman. Should she need chastising, he was never to be cruel or harm her; and abuse resulted In prosecution. Its important to understand these social conditions when analyzing the position of women in Othello, as the dynamics of gender inequality are a direct result of the context in which they exist. As a result of misogynistic discourse In the play, the female characters are marginals; portrayed as uncontrollable, deceiving, dishonest, and unfaithful. The censorship of female action by men who own them is made clear by the questioning of female virtue and honesty; fathers, from hence trust not your daughters mulled By what you see them act. Othello claims that the curse of marriage Is that [men] an call these delicate creatures [theirs], and not their appetites! This language clearly positions women as innately promiscuous objects to be owned, in this case by I OFF were comparable too dogs in regards to their lack of control, however the pairing with delicate implies some form of desirability. Such language constructs women as pretty, fickle beings, which continues to reinforce their inferior position as slaves to their mans impulses. Emilie initially supports this assumption by enabling Lagos fantasies by stealing Adhesions handkerchief, claiming that that My wayward Cubans hat h a hundred times wooed me to steal it ND I nothing, but to please his fantasy. The roots of such assumptions find themselves firmly planted in The Bible, where the beautiful Eve was not only created at the whim of Adam, but her inability to resist temptation was to blame for his subsequent suffering. These misogynistic themes are echoed in Adhesions self-proclaimed divided duty to noble father and noble Moor, as well in the suggestion that Othello fall from grace is all because of Adhesions suggested inability to resist Cassias seduction. Gags intentioned accusation of her as the cunning where of Venice unjustly vilifies her, and ultimately results Othello deciding that she must die, else shell betray more men. This is supported by Dampen Callaghan writing in Women and Gender in Renaissance Tragedy that makes the point that misogynistic discourse leads, directly or indirectly, to the death of the female. The kind of language she is referring to is no more evident that in the momen ts preceding Adhesions death, when Othello refers to her as perjured woman, strumpet, where, false, a liar, and foul. The play questions the sexual morality of women right from the beginning, and the plot is centric to the assumption that one can easily be framed to make women false; which is reinforced by by Lagos accusation that women are players in your housewifely, and housewives in your beds, meaning that they are more dedicated to sexual pursuit than to the duties of the marital house. These beliefs, although shocking to modern audiences, were accepted without question at the time of production because Elizabethan ideology was saturated with patriarchal and misogynistic assumptions. It seems illogical that the women in Othello, who express themselves as virtuous, independent, and articulate despite their normalization, would put up with such extreme treatment without some sort of objection. Shakespearian works are renowned for the avocation of movements that were controversial at the time; and although Othello provides copious examples of womens submission to the dominance of patriarchal views, the female characters do express their desire for gender equality. In such times, the tone of their dialogue changes from submissive to empowered, which Just shows how remarkable the power of language is in repeating ideas and beliefs. For example, Desman demands to accompany Othello to the battleground of Cypress, claiming that its her rite of love, not duty, as a wife to accompany her husband to war. Her decisive language represents the independent personalities of the female minority at the time that objected to blatant objectification and suppression by the patriarchy. At one of the most shocking moments of the play, when Othello strikes his wife, she does not revert to self-blame as in the majority of the play, and instead defends her virtue by decisively stating, I eve not deserved this. However it is Emilie who serves as the best example of a when complaining to Ago that Othello has borrowed Desman, saying that A beggar in his drink could not have laid such terms upon his called and condemning the cogging, cozening slave who she blames for having devised this slander. This example of strong, empowered language is the first indication that she doesnt conform to the subservient woman expectation, and she continues to defend Adhesions virtue to her dying breaths; saying that she was chaste. Towards the inclusion of the play, she goes farther than any other character to subvert the dominant misogynistic discourse, and advocates for the consideration of gender equality. L do think it is their husbands faults if wives do fall she says, Let husbands know their wives have sense like them. This is the only time in the play where female characters dominate the stage for a significant about of time, free to speak without the constraints of patriarchal expectation. They challenge the cultural stereotype of women as graceful and devoid of the typically masculine traits; saying, why we have galls; and though we have some grace, yet we have some revenge. Although being vulnerable to violent temptations may not necessarily be desirable, to strip a gender of an entire human experience is degrading, and would have seriously contributed to the distorted power distribution that resulted in the unequal treatment of women in Elizabethan society. The discourse around gender in Othello, Moor of Venice works to both marginals and empower the primary female characters; which in turn presents conflicting presentations of Elizabethan society in terms of patriarchal dominance. For the majority of the play, the women of the text are excluded from the use powerful discourse, and hence are constructed as mindless conformations to the archetype of the victimizes Elizabethan woman. They are treated like objects to be owned by the dominant male characters, and are vilified as a result of unfounded, misogynistic slander. Additionally, the apparently unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of female sexuality is seen to undermine male authority, eliciting further discrimination. Although attempts are made by women to assert their rights as equals through the adoption of a more powerful discourse, it is either ignored, or only done in an exclusively female environment; which does nothing to challenge either their normalization or the assumptions of patriarchal dominance. As a modern audience, we can appreciate this injustice; however such a suggestion was ground breaking in Shakespearean time. As such, it is evident that the treatment of gender bias in Othello establishes the play as typical the Elizabethan era, but also revolutionary in its suggestion that society should function in any other way.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Learn About the Organ Systems in the Human Body
Learn About the Organ Systems in the Human Body The human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. In the pyramid of life that organizes all of the elements of life into categories, organ systems are nested between an organism and its organs. Organ systems are the groups of organs that are within an organism. Ten major organ systems of the human body are listed below along with the major organs or structures that are associated with each system. Each system depends on the others, either directly or indirectly, to keep the body functioning normally. Once you a feeling confident in your knowledge of the organ system, try a simple quiz to test yourself. Circulatory System Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images The main function of the circulatory system is to transport nutrients and gasses to cells and tissues throughout the body. This is accomplished by the circulation of blood. Two components of this system are the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The cardiovascular system is comprised of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. The beating of the heart drives the cardiac cycle which pumps blood throughout the body. The lymphatic system is a vascular network of tubules and ducts that collect, filter and return lymph to blood circulation. As a component of the immune system, the lymphatic system produces and circulates immune cells called lymphocytes. The lymphatic organs include the lymph vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, and tonsils. Digestive System comotion_design / Getty Images The digestive system breaks down food polymers into smaller molecules to provide energy for the body. Digestive juices and enzymes are secreted to break down the carbohydrates, fat, and protein in food. The primary organs are the mouth, stomach, intestines, and rectum. Other accessory structures include the teeth, tongue, liver, and pancreas. Endocrine System CHRISTIAN DARKIN / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images The endocrine system regulates vital processes in the body including growth, homeostasis, metabolism, and sexual development. Endocrine organs secrete hormones to regulate body processes. Major endocrine structures include the pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, ovaries, testes, and thyroid gland. Integumentary System The integumentary system protects the internal structures of the body from damage, prevents dehydration, stores fat, and produces vitamins and hormones. The structures that support the integumentary system include skin, nails, hair, and sweat glands. Muscular System Oliver Burston / Getty Images The muscular system enables movement through the contraction of muscles. Humans have three types of muscles: heart muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscle is made up of thousands of cylindrical muscle fibers. The fibers are bound together by connective tissue that is made up of blood vessels and nerves. Nervous System Science Picture Co / Getty Images The nervous system monitors and coordinates internal organ function and responds to changes in the external environment. The major structures of the nervous system include the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Reproductive System DEA PICTURE LIBRARY / Getty Images The reproductive system enables the production of offspring through sexual reproduction between a male and female. The system is comprised of male and female reproductive organs and structures which produce sex cells and ensure the growth and development of offspring. The major male structures include the testes, scrotum, penis, vas deferens, and prostate. The major female structures include the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands. Respiratory System LEONELLO CALVETTI / Getty Images The respiratory system provides the body with oxygen via a gas exchange between air from the outside environment and gases in the blood. The major respiratory structures include the lungs, nose, trachea, and bronchi. Skeletal System SCIEPRO / Getty Images The skeletal system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form. The major structures include 206 bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. This system works closely with the muscular system to enable movement. Urinary Excretory System Stocktrek Images / Getty Images The urinary excretory System removes wastes and maintains water balance in the body. Other aspects of its function include regulating electrolytes in body fluids and maintaining normal pH of the blood. The major structures of the urinary excretory system include the kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, and ureters.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The crucial bearing of pursuing a Master of International Business Essay
The crucial bearing of pursuing a Master of International Business - Essay Example The researcher presents his long-term goal as to become a successful entrepreneur, like Richard Branson and Allen Sugar, both renowned British entrepreneurs. However, the researcher envision to venture as an entrepreneur not only London; but as an instrumental entrepreneurial contributor on a global realm. The Hult International Business School’s MIB degree is renowned worldwide to accord strategically innovative instructional methods that provide qualified students with the conducive learning environment for the program. Through their LEAP method focusing on hand-on and innovative approach, the researcher is confident that both short-term and long-term professional goals would be effectively achieved. The researcher’s educational background and current professional experiences would significantly contribute to the abovementioned plans as these undertakings have appropriately established the theoretical and practical framework for an MIB degree. By immersing in a founda tion program from an International Foundation Programme in Business Studies from the London Metropolitan University, the theoretical framework for higher education in the business sphere is befittingly honed. The researcher did not have the chance then to pursue higher education courses in the field of business management since working as a legal assistant for the UK Immigration Law Advisory Service in 2007 had made me determined and committed to pursue a degree in law. The course modules were all subservient as they delved into intricate concepts that are relevantly applicable in contemporary organizational settings. My current occupation in a supervisory and managerial capacity made me realize that more theoretical concepts are required to increase one’s competencies, qualifications and skills in performing the responsibilities expected of managers in a dynamic business environment. Through past employments, I had the opportunities to assume diverse functions and responsibi lities ranging from that of an administrative assistant for Yoga Magazine, a customer service representative for Max Telecom, and working as a bank teller in Askari Bank, Ltd. in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. These job responsibilities enabled me to gain personal and professional discipline in adherence to the highest quality of service to be accorded to customers and clientele of diverse cultural orientations. I gained proficiencies in different languages such as English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and Arabic. I still plan to expand learning to communicate in other languages as I pursue the MIB degree. Further, my media exposure working as a host of a popular weekly talk show on a popular TV channel; as well as hosting a weekly Internet TV show focusing on discussing immigration and human rights law issues within the British-Asian community accords the development of communication skills and the credibility needed as a public figure. As such, much preparation and mental focus is eminently recogn ized, as part of one’s responsibility as a host, to gain the confidence and support of the discriminating viewers. At hindsight, I am aware that despite the knowledge and skills that were already developed, there is still a pressing need to focus on improving leadership skills, particularly the essential skills that are intertwined with assuming the position and responsibility of a manager and an entrepreneur: the skills of introspection, conflict-resolution, entrepreneurial, information-processing, decision-making, resource generation and allocation
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Prostitution Problem (responses) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Prostitution Problem (responses) - Assignment Example I therefore concur with the response that a double standard exist over the prostitution problem and that the society has forced women into prostitution by establishing them as weaker people who are vulnerable to men’s manipulations. The response is comprehensive and its inference to the contemporary environment is valid because literature shows that despite numerous sources of power that women can use, especially in domestic set ups against male dominion, women still find themselves vulnerable. Men retain financial responsibility in families and their higher economic potential creates power over their married partners and other women who may be desperate for financial support. Factors such as religious and cultural values also undermine possible sources of power that women could use counter male influence. Consequently, women remain tools for manipulation by men and their best alternative is to take capitalistic advantage of men’s sexual needs. This establishes the basis of prostitution even in the contemporary despite better economic environment for women (Ghanim
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Witch-hunt in Scottish society Speech or Presentation
Witch-hunt in Scottish society - Speech or Presentation Example As such, when a new team of leaders took office in the 1649-1650, whereby the new leader Kirk Party attempted to clean out all the sorcery and witchcraft within the society by making it a godly state, these witches faced total extermination (Davies & De Blecourt, 2004: P.150). Any witch identified within the society was brought to court for judgment, and killed through hanging if found guilty. He therefore ordered a continuous hunt for all witches, and those found faced judgment and prosecution at ad hoc courts (Dingwall, 2003: P.78). Most of these witches who found guilty died in the hands of their prosecutors. These ad hoc courts eliminated most f the witches found because they did not have any lawyers to defend them at these hearings. This was the Great Scottish Witch Hunt, which occurred between the periods of 1649-1650, consisting of a number of witch trials across the land of Scotland. This is among the five major witch-hunts identified within the country in the modern days of Scotland that recorded the largest volumes of executions within a single year (Ewan and Nugent, 2008: P.49). This paper covers the events that took place during this witch-hunt period, the effects of these events as well as the challenges and successes recorded at the culmination of these events. A number of resources deal with this topic on the witch-hunt period in Scotland (Goodare, 2002: P.15). However, most of them are not clear as to what exactly happened, i.e. not all of them give a clear account of events as they happened after the radical Kirk party took leadership and empowered the Presbyterians church leaders to hunt out for witches within the community and bring them to justice. This is because they felt these witches and wizards were the main cause of calamities and suffering within the community (Graham, 2008: P.160). One single author by the name Brian Levack produced a complete count of events on the witch-hunt period of the Scottish land, especially dealing with the concepts of law, religion and politics that in one way or another propelled these activities (Henderson, 2008: P.179). In addition, the author covers on some topics the reasons why witchcraft was so widespread in the society, as well as the effects of these black-magic activities on the land (Larner, 1981: P.32). However, there are other sources, though skeptical in a way, that cover the topics raised on witch-hunt in the Scottish land. These topics cover a few concepts on the occurrences during this period as well as put across a clear account on all events that occurred during the period (Levack, 2008: P.92). As such, it was very challenging to conduct this research especially because no single book, article, or journal covered conclusively all the events that took place during the Scottish witch-hunt (MacDonald, 1997: P.358). Most of these resources only provided sketchy topics on the events, or a particular opinion of an individual, which might not necessary portray the real fac tors the led to or caused the events under consideration (Notes and Comments, 2002: P.240). Furthermore, they do not provide the effects of these ad hoc court trials, especially since the accused did not get an opportunity to plead their case. They only chance they have to exonerate themselves from the accusations placed against them were to provide proof of their lack of participation in these activities (Toivo, 2008: P.67). However, this led to even more bloodshed in the society as these accused witches pointed out on their friends and other counterparts, which expanded the witch-hunt in Scotland (Whatley,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Culture of Conflict in the Philippines
Culture of Conflict in the Philippines The markers of globalisation such as the imperatives of economic liberalisation, fiscal reform, and migratory flows, which is one of tidal waves of global information, have restructured social relations existing all over the world. Even though the globalisation has been called as an integrating force, cultural conflicts have presently become the most rampant and widespread form of international violence as globalisation has accelerated (Crawford, n.d.). Undoubtedly, it is said that members of any kind of culture can hold varying degrees of commitments towards the predominant values of such culture, however being in opposition to such cultural values can set the stage for cultural conflicts. A situation similar to above can clearly be seen by examining the continuing cultural conflict that the government of Philippines have with armed communist as well as Islamic insurgent groups, which has been developed through the international interventions (Peleo, 2007). Philippines has a long history of cultural conflict, with armed groups that mainly consist of Muslim separatists, clan militias, and communists, and criminal all of which are active in the country (BBC 2012). The Muslim separatists comprises the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) and the Abu Sayyaf. The Abu Sayyaf and The MILF are breakaway groups of the MNLF (BBC 2012). On the other hand, the communist insurgency is propagated by the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines) military wing, the NPA (New Peoples Army). Since the beginning of the communist insurgency in 1960s, the government of Philippines has persistently fought with the benefit of its superior equipments, training, as well as communications. However, the government failed to resolve the conflicts mainly owing to its failure of addressing the root causes of the communist insurgency such as the social injustice, imperfect democratic process, inequitable distribution of wealth, and inconsistent delivery of services etc (Peleo, 2007). The Muslim insurgency can similarly be regarded in an ambiguous way. In contrast to the communist insurgency, this movement had not determined to replace the national government through a revolution. Accordingly, the insurgency of the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) took a secessionist form with the intention of establishing a Muslim state in the areas of southern Philippine island of Mindanao. The ongoing struggle between the Philippine government and the communist as well as Muslim guerrillas has the emergence of limited internal conflicts (Brown, 1996) that may be solved yet through negotiations and stricter law enforcements. However, the formal peace talks amongst and the insurgent representatives and the government began in the 1970s and keep on until today have yet to present a final ending to the armed cultural conflict. This conflict spreads through all aspects of Philippine governance Political and security (Peleo, 2007) and both the insurgents and the government have denounced each other since the cause of the slow development of the country. Furthermore, since the 1970s, the insurgents and the government have sought to boost international involvements in a domestic’ political conflict. Nevertheless, it can be note that the international support, recognition, as well as financial and material aid gained by the government as well as by the Muslim and communi st insurgencies have not significantly diminished the hostility amongst the insurgents and Philippines government. Rather, the promise of such international aids for domestics’ cultural conflicts appears to both parties as a means of gaining military advantage sand coercive political leverage. The evidences as to the international influences on cultural conflicts in many countries existing in the world demonstrate that such international influences have not completely been effective in successfully avoiding or mitigating such cultural conflicts. In particular, Philippine insurgents have mainly been persuaded by the supposition that the foreign governments continue to and directly influence the Philippines governance (Peleo, 2007). In other words, the decisions of beginning, intensifying, reducing, or ceasing armed resistance have been encouraged by insurgents’ perceptions towards international supports for efforts of the national government for the anti-insurgent. Throughout history, the Philippines governments have all the time deferred to foreign states’ decisions on a wide range of social, political, and economic issues. Especially, much of political culture of Philippines is able to be attributed to a variety of foreign influences. For instance, the Phili ppines country was a colony of Spain during the 16th century to the late 19th century and was redeveloped subsequently as a commonwealth by the US until 1935. It was also occupied by Japan during the period of 2nd World War, and after its liberation, the country was aligned with the US till the end of the Cold War. Filipino insurgent groups were active throughout these periods, and opposed not only foreign occupations but also the Filipinos who were said to be perceived as having gained the government office through foreign endorsements. The European Union and the United State have alleged that the local insurgent groups in Philippines have expanded their capabilities and are regarded as the foreign terrorist organizations. These allegations, which were made from the perspective of the global war on terror, indicate that Philippine insurgents constitute a security threat not only for the government of Philippine but also for the US, the EU, and other foreign governments around the world. Accordingly, this renewed international interest in the insurgent conflict in the Philippine and provides evidences to the insurgents’ durability and the continuing appeal as to the idea of resistance towards a collaborationist government (Peleo, 2007). According to Reuters (2014) Muslim rebels in Philippines, on 27th May 2014 has signed a final peace negotiation, to end the conflict together with the international supports from countries including the United State. However, as far as above facts pertaining to the continuity of cultural conflicts in Philippines are concerned, this peace deal does not seems to work in long run since potential threats as to lasting peace will remain, ranging from a small breakaway of MILF faction to criminal groups, Islamist militants connected to al Qaeda as well as feuding clans (Reuters 2014). Moreover, the sustainability of peace talks between the Philippines government and insurgents may vary with the current government reactions and political stability of the country. In view of the above, it can be identified that a proper mechanism that goes beyond the peace talks is required for Philippines to cope with its cultural conflicts with various insurgents. Otherwise, it will be difficult to reduce the implications of such cultural conflicts that were exercising by people such as cultural and religion division, barriers in building care and trust for people, the continuity of culture of violence, and exposure to an environment of armed conflict together with a violent family feuds, poor access to health, education and social services (Sumndad-Usman, 2014), all of which eventually lead people to suffer and turn into rebels or bandits. Hence, it is prudent for the Philippines government to specifically admit to the systemic weaknesses within its governing regime which can motivate insurgents to resist. The government may need to sacrifice its privileged position as the victim of the insurgents’ security threats so that it can concede the legitimacy of grievance of insurgents. Although, this course of action may carries political risk to a certain extent, in particular for the government of a small state depending on a big-power state for the security, such confidence-building measure can ultimately convince both the insurgents as well as the government and that their interests are served by eliminating armed conflicts from political interactions, and by ruling out foreign influences on national governance and security issues. References Peleo, A. (2007), Living with a Culture of Conflict: Insurgency and the Philippines, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 30th September 2014) Crawford, B. (n.d.), Globalization and Cultural Conflict: An Institutional Approach, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 1st October 2014) BBC (8 October 2012), Guide to the Philippines conflict, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014) Sumndad-Usman, B. R.(25 July 2014), Building a Culture of Peace in the Philippines and Beyond,, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014) Reuters (27 March 2014), Philippines, Muslim rebels sign final peace deal to end conflict, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Automobile:from Horse To Horsepower :: essays research papers fc
"In the first hundred years of active life, it has been described as a menace ands a blessing, a blight and a godsend, as a savior of our countryside and cities, and as their curse, as socially divisive and the greatest social leveler. It has been worshipped and reviled, celebrated and scorned." The automobile is an invention that has had a tremendous impact on society. The automobile has taken diverse segments of the American population; farmers, small town residents and urban dwellers and given them access to the same opportunities and experiences. Autos have given us motels, shopping plazas, drive-thru’s, vacations, commuting, and, certainly not the least, suburbia. The genesis of the automobile is one of the most profound and important chapters in the development of American culture. Before the automobile, people traveled by means of bicycles, trains, street cars and horse-drawn carriages. These methods of transportation were slow, limited and not private. Up until the about 1880, inventors experimented with building a "horseless carriage." These experiments were powered mainly by steam, and were not practical. They traveled at slow speeds (six miles an hour), were very noisy, frightened horses, smelled awful and polluted the air. Sometimes the coals (used to make steam) would fall off the auto, and burn wooden bridges down. Railroads and stage coach lines hated the automobiles because they did not want competition. Autos were scarce and ridiculed by most of the population. "The car began life as a rich man’s toy, rather than a means of transport or as an instrument of social change." They were displayed in circuses because they were considered a wacky idea with no future. The development and acceptance of the automobile in America took place around the turn of the century, from 1895 to 1910. The most successful steam car was the Stanley Steamer, invented in Newton, Massachusetts in 1897 by Francis and Freelan Stanley. It was produced until 1924. The steam car did not fare well because it was not suited for long distance travel, was too hard to start and posed the hazard of an open fire. In the late 1890’s and early 1900’s the electric car was the most popular type of automobile. William Morrison was the creator of this type of car. People liked the electric car because it was easy to operate, ran quietly and did not give off fumes. Unfortunately for modern society, the electric cars could not go faster than 20 miles an hour, and the battery had to be recharged every fifty miles.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Why D1 Athletes Should Be Paid
Trying to Get That Paper According to the NCAA, student-athletes are students first and athletes second. However over the last decade there have been many questions raised about what the actual definition of what a student-athlete really is. This is because of the millions of dollars generated by institutions that broadcasting and promoting these â€Å"student-first†athletes. The main question that arises from this is should the NCAA and or institutions/ conferences be paying athletes for their services?By looking at the billions of dollars a year that the business of college sports generates just in television and radio time alone, indicates that student athletes should be paid. If these schools and the NCAA are making billions of dollars from college sports, then why shouldn’t the athletes get paid for doing what they do? After doing some research over a year ago and taking another look at this issue now, the question about paying college athletes has stayed the same .The debate whether to pay college athletes or not arose in the 1980s after Southern Methodist University was caught paying football players for their services. Upon discovery of these infractions, SMU was administered the â€Å"death penalty†, including loss of scholarships and no participation in bowl games for five years. The controversy surrounding paying college athletes seems to have risen from this unfortunate circumstance and has been cultivated into a huge social topic today.Following the SMU scandal in the late 1980s the NCAA rewrote their guidebook that describes an athlete’s role in an academic institution. According to the NCAA, â€Å"Student-athletes are students first and athletes second. They are not university employees who are paid for their labor†(NCAA. com). Looking at the arguments made by the NCAA, they make a valid point in showing how athletes are â€Å"compensated†for their participation in sports. According to the NCAA, â€Å" Many [athletes] receive athletics grants-in-aid that can be worth more than $100,000 (NCAA. om). There are many people who would agree with the NCAA in saying that the scholarships given to the student-athletes is enough â€Å"compensation†for the student-athletes to cover their costs of attending school. There are many other topics that all have a role in deciding whether or not to pay college athletes; mainly television, memorabilia sales, and individual endorsement deals. The question itself hasn’t changed over the years; it’s the financial situation that college institutions and athletes now are exposed to that has changed.All seemed fine and well until, starting in the early 2000’s, large Division 1 sports conferences signed deals with large television networks, generating millions of dollars in revenue for the institutions who were a part of the conference. So the question arose again, should we pay college athletes? According to research done by t he National College Players Association, â€Å"If allowed access to the fair market like the pros, the average FBS football and basketball player would be worth approximately $121,048 and $265,027 respectively (not counting individual commercial endorsement deals)†(NCPANOW. rg). People today are still opposed to paying college athletes, but the case for actually paying them grows stronger year after year. According to ESPN columnist Michael Wilbon, college football and basketball generate over 11 billion dollars in television revenue. He argues, â€Å"why not take 1. 3 billion dollars off the top and, invest it, and make it available for stipends to college athletes? †(Wilbon). Another person in favor of paying college athletes is former Penn State basketball player Stephen Danley.In his interview with National Review reporter, Duncan Currie, he says that, â€Å"in certain programs players are even allowed to take enough credits to graduate in four years. If they [t he colleges] want â€Å"student-athletes†then they should at least give them the financial means to return for an extra year to complete a degree after their playing days are over†(Currie). These two arguments not only show that there is in fact funding to pay these athletes, but that scholarships don’t cover the actual amount of time it takes for a student to finish his/ her degree.So why not help them out financially and allow them to finish? Looking at the large amounts of money going to conferences and universities due to the profits of college sports, it’s easy to see where the debate about paying college athletes comes from. This isn’t a discussion of moral issue or ethical debate; rather, this is simply an issue of looking at the numbers generated and whether or not to pay these athletes for benefiting their schools in popularity and financial gains. So after looking at everything that encompasses college sports, the debate continues; shoul d college athletes be paid?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Gladiator Essays
Gladiator Essays Gladiator Essay Gladiator Essay At the start of the scene just before battle you see the camera follow the soldiers up the stairs making the arena look massive and interestingly making you feel like your in the stadium. The camera is then seen from behind the crowd tilting down on the stadium. The camera movement here is used to give you an overall view of what is going on in the arena and what Maximus and the others are up against. There are also panning shots used which emphasize how massive the crowd is and give us an impression of what the landscape is and looks like. Just before they are due to battle there are different types of shots used again to emphasize the size of the stadium making Maximus and the fellow slaves look increasingly small. This type of shot is used to show that they are weak, small and not strong. This then cuts to close ups of Maximus and his two closest companions showing us that they are discussing an alternative rather then endure the fate that is being put forward. This is giving us hope seeing the emotion on his companions faces, showing us that they are nodding and listening. As the soldiers faces are featured in close-ups, their expressions indicate their faith in the generals abilities. When they are in battle the camera cleverly follows the warrior on a horse mounted carriage and this makes you feel like you are in the battle scene, it also makes you feel like the blade on the carriage is inches away from you as its spinning in action. Long shots are then used again to give you an overview of the battle and the cutting back and forth between characters keep you in suspense. The shots of Maximus on the white horse towards the end of battle also make him look extremely powerful. I noticed that to enhance this they have also cut out the other characters and focused sole ly on Maximus. Towards the end of the scene when you see Maximus defeat them the panning shot of the crowd is done to show that they are honouring him and supporting him. This brings you to feel close to the character and the chanting from his supporters makes you feel like your there in the crowd and make you want to join in. When Maximus is confronted by the Emperor you notice that there are mostly close ups used to show the emotion and tension between the two rivals. : The lighting at the start of the scene is extremely dark as they are in what it seems like a tunnel. You can hardly see any of the characters as the lighting is dark, grey and dull. Thus making us feel that the characters are trapped. They then proceed to walk up in lines of rows like robots with grey dark shadows appearing beside them. I felt at this bit they were in trouble and probably not going to win against whatever it was they were up against. When they arrive on the battlefield it then becomes a lot brighter and I noticed that in the crowd you see several bright lines of bold red and yellow this looking like fire from a distance. I think this was used to show the danger of the grounds and added a fiery feeling. The colour of the slaves armour and the grounds fairly matched this making the whole scene look in tact. Most of the colours used in the scene are bold rich colours such as reds, blues, gold and silver. When Maximus is confronted by the Emperor you will notice that the lighting on the emperor is dark and shadowy. This portraying the Emperor as dark and evil in a sense, his face is gradually touched by rays of light but he still comes across as gloomy and pale. However the gladiators face is a lot brighter and clearer basically portraying him as the good guy. The costumes used in the scene are mainly heavy armour such as helmets, axes, swords and other weapons and shields. The swords can symbolize power in many different ways, and towards the end when Commodus is deciding weather Maximus will live or not you see various swords being pointed towards him in that direction, this indicating that at the time Commodus is the ruler and a lot higher and more powerful then Maximus. Also you will notice with this being set historically there are a lot of robes and head and hand jewelry. The footwear that is used is plain and simple such as sandals and leather boots. Having the right costumes in the film have really prepared you for every little detail. I think some of the special effects that were used in the film were mainly to do with the historic roman architecture and buildings such as the arena and stadium. You will also see thousands and thousands of people in the crowds, this mainly being computer generated. I think the reason for this is to give it that realism feel and to show that Maximus had that many supporters. I also think it has that feel because the whole storyline is actually closely based on real events. Also the music that was used throughout the clip is extremely in tact from when they were starting to battle right through to when they are talking and conversing. In the scene you see him as a slave then a warrior/hero then revolutionary. In the battle scene you see them all plotting and working together and this really interpelates you, giving you hope that they will all make it through. They courageously fight together, act together and save each other which keeps you in suspense guessing if they will all survive. I think this was a classic act to keep you watching. When Maximus and his fellow slaves defeat them it really makes you want to jump up and down. The violence in the scene reveals the character of Maximus and encourages us to participate emotionally. I have noticed that the link in the scene to make it more interesting is that Maximus is seen as a slave however throughout the film has been conquering barbarians that eventually became slaves. The barbarians he defeated in Rome suffer the fate that is eventually his too. In the scene he also created skilful and powerful tactics which were acknowledged by the rest because by this time he has gained the respect of the fellow gladiators all of this portraying Maximus as a powerful leader and displaying his character. The plot of the film is that Maximus a roman general is favored over Commodus the power hungry son of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He is chosen to rule however Commodus has his family murdered and as he comes to Rome, he becomes a Gladiator and seeks revenge. The dialect in the clip also helps to communicate the whole theme of the film.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Go Ahead and Wallow in These Depressing Love Quotes
Go Ahead and Wallow in These Depressing Love Quotes Love can make you soar with happiness. Or love can leave you sore with sorrow. Sometimes love can leave you heartbroken. You might be so much in pain from unrequited love that you never want to love again. Such depression can take a toll on your health. The antidote to heartbreak just might be depressing love quotes misery loves company might be a cliche, but its also true. So go ahead and wallow in it for just a bit, knowing that what you are feeling is part of lifes journey and an experience shared by many through the ages. W. Somerset MaughamThe love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned. Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species. BoethiusA man content to go to heaven alone will never go to heaven. For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy. Francois de La RochefoucauldAbsence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires. Julie AndrewsAll love shifts and changes. I dont know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time. Judy GarlandFor it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. OvidFortune and love favor the brave. Mother TeresaThe hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. Mignon McLaughlinHate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones. Albert EllisThe art of love ... is largely the art of persistence. Thomas FullerThe greatest hate springs from the greatest love. Edmund SpenserAnd painful pleasure turns to pleasing pain. Thomas MooreTo love you was pleasant enough. And, oh! Tis delicious to hate you! George Bernard ShawLove is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else. Federico Garcia Lorca, Blood Wedding and Yerma â€Å"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.† Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn â€Å"I know thats what people say youll get over it. Id say it, too. But I know its not true. Oh, youll be happy again, never fear. But you wont forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the man reminds you of him.† Dylan Thomas â€Å"Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.† George R.R. Martin â€Å"When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.† Lana Del Ray â€Å"No one compares to you, but theres no you, except in my dreams tonight.â€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Literature review on one topic in instruction Essay
Literature review on one topic in instruction - Essay Example Literature review contributes lot in providing a clear picture about present scenario of the topic. This literature review focuses on different aspects of stakeholder theory. Different researchers have analysed these things in details. On the basis of different research methods authors have given their views on this particular topic. They have analysed stakeholders and their theories by implementing different research method. Literature review focuses on the results and finding of these research methods. The purpose of a literature review is to highlight theories of stakeholder, different issues associated with this theory and possible future development of stakeholder theories. Literature review helps to determine the background of the topic on which discussion is made. Different author suggested various opinions regarding theories which contribute a lot in development of stakeholders. This review focuses on the long term success of stakeholders by implementing different theories. O n the basis of theoretical framework authors also recommend different things for stakeholders. According to the authors Reinhard Steurer, Astrid Konrad, Markus E. Langer and Andrà © Martinuzzi relation management of stakeholders help to develop the ways which satisfy the aspirations and needs of current generations without making any adjustments of abilities of future generations. For managing different stakeholders and their relationship with the organization Stakeholder theory is established. The author states that this theory is implemented for managing business ethics and organization. Sustainable development of the company depends on stakeholder. This theory helps to focus on these issues. The theory of stakeholder was established by R.Edward Freeman. He had provided an outline of satisfying the needs of stakeholders by managing the business. This theory highlight internal and external environment of the organization and its relation
Friday, November 1, 2019
Therapeutic Nurse Patient Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Therapeutic Nurse Patient Relationship - Essay Example According to Wright (2006), the relationship is mutual, founded on trust, respect and professional intimacy. For a therapeutic patient nurse patient relationship to function effectively, the nurse should use his/her professional powers appropriately. Other people responsible for the patient’s wellbeing such as family members or friends also form an important component of the therapeutic nurse patient relationship. Duration of therapeutic nurse patient relationship varies, depending on the health needs of the patient and it expires once the patient recovers. Moreover, it also depends on the possibility of having to take care of the patient once again in future. However, the relationship between the nurse and the patient’s friends or family is not limited to the duration of care and may continue after the client is no longer under the care of the particular nurse. In therapeutic nurse patient relationship, the nurse is not only responsible for establishing the association with the client but also in maintaining it. According to Barry (1996), maintaining the relationship requires professional application of nursing knowledge, skills and behaviors. In healthcare setting, therapeutic nurse client relationship comprises four main elements, namely trust, power, respect and professional intimacy (DeLaune & Ladner, 2002). ... Power is the other defining element of the patient client relationship and NANB (2011) argues that it is tilted in favor of the nurse. The registered nurse possesses more power and authority than the patient due to the higher position he or she holds in the healthcare system and his/her inherent specialized skills in nursing practice. This places the nurse in a more influential position of determining the nature of relationships with the client and other healthcare providers in a healthcare setting. Moreover, the nurse is in a better position of accessing sensitive information relating to the patient under his or her care (CNO, 2004). The manner in which the nurse utilizes these powers determines the nature of relationship with the clients. Therefore, it is important for the nurse to apply these powers appropriately to promote good working relationship with the patient and attainment of expected health outcomes. This ensures that the relative powerlessness of the patient is not taken advantage of and the client’s healthcare needs are met. Trust is another element of a therapeutic nurse patient relationship and it is shown by the confidence and faith that the client has about the nurse ability to cater for his or her health needs. According to Hubert (1998), the patient expects the nurse to apply his or her professional skills appropriately and exhibit compassionate attitude so that the client can develop trust on the nurse ability to take care of him or her. Therefore, the ability of a nurse to win the trust of the client is very important, considering the relative powerlessness of the patient in the nurse patient relationship. In order for the nurse to gain the trust of the
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